Yeah, the whole Bruce Willis/Punk'd joke has probably been done. I'm not trekking to Tibet just to soul search and find the perfect, original joke. It'll do for now.
According to Us Weekly and People, Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher have finally tied the knot. I suppose I could make jokes about the age difference but, quite frankly, I don't see what the big deal is. Demi is smokin'. More power to her. Really, if they get along then that's all that matters. Kutcher is obviously a big goofball, and being a fan of big goofballs myself, I can certainly understand what Demi sees in him. And I'm sure her kids think he's pretty kewl.
It was also reported that ex-hubby, Bruce Willis, was present for the nuptials. A lady in the next pew took this photo of him, which suggests that he may have been unhappy. Or he could've been happy, amused, confused, angry, in pain, shocked, sleepy, hungry, paying attention, not paying attention, ready to kick ass, imagining Demi naked, contemplating making Die Hard 4, seeing dead people or just chillin'. He's kind of a tough one to read.
I really have no snarky remarks for the happy couple; I'm just dishing out the latest. However, given the shelf-life of most celeb marriages, I'm not completely optimistic about this one. It would be great if the younger man/older woman could be the ones to beat the odds but if Cher and her bagel boy didn't make it, what hope do these two have? I see something in them though, so I'll give it 6 years, which is really an eternity in Hollywood time. And hey, if it doesn't work out, I'm sure Demi won't be lonely for long. There is no shortage of young boy-toys in la-la land.
Waiting for his chance...Frodo Baggins, Lord of the MILFs

Waiting for his chance...Frodo Baggins, Lord of the MILFs
i hope this is the mark of a new trend of older women/younger men so we can start chipping away at this age old double standard. isn't larry king like 80 years old and hie wife is in her early thirties?
Great job captioning Bruce's possible thought during the ceremony! I always thought THEY were a weird couple, I think Ashtom will keep Demi laughing for years.
And Demi was never a brain surgeon; when she was with Bruce, she used to parrot all his thoughts.
Once in the early 90's she said something about 250K a year not being a lot of money. Had Bruce said it, it might have had some substance behind it. But Demi just sounded stupid, which is so different than the image she tries to portray.
She confuses me, and few actors do, so I guess that's a compliment.
It is very well possible that sex plays a big part in things :)
I am all for that too!