I've never liked Kate Moss. She looks like someone I'd like to smack. Not because she's a model (oops sorry, supermodel), because I've never been the type to be irrationally jealous of beautiful women whom I don't personally know. (Now, my friend Dana looks like she could be a model and as much as I love her, I'd like to smack her too. She's the Scarlett O'Hara to my Melanie.) However, I was somewhat on her side in all this. Not because I'm a toot-head myself. Absolutely not. I just think it's so hypocritical of the modeling industry to turn this girl into a pariah for doing what, no doubt, a lot of models do without getting caught. I was on her side until she issued a public apology. This is one of my peeves about celebrities and their misdeeds. Their agents force them into issuing these half-hearted "sorries" when we all know that they're either not sorry or don't feel like they should have to apologize to a bunch of people they don't know. And why should they? If Kate Moss wants to apologize to her mother for doing drugs or getting photographed snorting a line, that's perfectly understandable. But she doesn't need to say a damn thing to me. I don't care. Furthermore, she doesn't care that I don't care.
According to the above-linked story,
- A week ago Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper published grainy video camera stills which appeared to show Moss using cocaine in a music studio where her rock-star lover Pete Doherty - a self-confessed drug addict - was recording with his band.
Other newspapers took up the story eagerly, with tabloid titles running a series of lurid allegations in the following days about Moss involving sex and drugs.
First of all, I have to point out something that always makes me laugh. Did you ever notice that when the media is trying to portray someone in a seamy light, they will refer to his/her significant other as a lover rather than a girlfriend/boyfriend? It sort of conjures up images of those softcore Emmanuelle movies that are in constant rotation on Skinemax. Ooh,that Kate Moss. What a whore! She has a lover. They may as well just spell it luvah, because that's how everyone reads it. How Eurotrash of her to take a luvah and snort nose candy. This is how the media wants us to interpret that passage.
Secondly, as I said earlier, how is anyone in the celebrity realm at all surprised by this story? How are they allowed to show any type of shock or disdain for Kate Moss? These people are living in the biggest glass house in the universe. Models, actors, singers, randoms: lay down your stones. Give it up.
How do people expect someone like Kate Moss to keep up with the schedule of a supermodel and stay rail thin, without the aid of certain substances? Didn't any of these industry morons who are so disappointed in her now ever have a shred of concern for her before? People just don't start doing lines overnight. And women who don't have a penchant for drugs don't immediately start looking for things to stick up their noses just because they've hooked up with wannabe rock stars. (Yeah, I can say "wannabe"...he's in The Libertines for Christie Brinkley's sake.) There had to have been signs. The biggest sign? Uh, well, she's a supermodel. And not just any supermodel. She was the damn poster-girl for "heroin chic" back in the not-so-distant day.
It may help to understand why models would be prone to drug use if we take a look at a typical supermodel's diet.
Breakfast: 1/2 rice cake
3 cigarettes
5 cups of coffee, black
Pre-Lunch Snack: 1 cigarette
3 Mimosas
Lunch: 1 slice of fat free turkey breast on a cracker
2 cigarettes
Large bottle of Evian water
1 extra-strength Ex-Lax
Post-Lunch Snack: 4 cigarettes
Dinner: 4 oz. caviar on pieces of cut-up cardboard
Bottle of champagne
10 cigarettes
Midnight Snack: 2 cigarettes
4 squirts cherry flavored Binaca
Now, is it any wonder that these gals may need a little something to keep them alive, conscious and not ravenously hungry? I'm not surprised to hear that Kate Moss has a coke habit. I would be surprised if I heard that she was a huge pot-head. I doubt too many models smoke weed on a regular basis. No one wants to hire a model with the munchies.
But here is what I don't get...why is she a super model in the first place? I personally don't find her at all appealing. Yukko!
But then again I am more of a Catherine Zeta Jones type - that's beauty. Or Gwen Stefani - that's a great body with funky style and class. Charlize Theron...another good one. I know these chicks are not models, but they are soooo pretty.
(that is what I have HEARD anyway, I admit nothing. haha.)
Call me crazy, but I think the most beautiful women look like they weigh enough to actually menstruate. CZJ, Lorraine Bracco, Patrica Arquette, Susan Sarandon --all gorgeous, but probably considering obese by Cosmo standards. I am with you all the way beckeye. I never cared for her in the first place. Something about that emaciated, death bed look has never been attractive to me and I have never understand how anyone else can feel differently.
You know what always cracks me up? The fact that the people I know who read the fashion mags, know all the models by name, can tell you about their personal lives, and they shop at Walmart for clothes. Not you, BeckEye, but people here, in the fashion-bereft midwest. They study fashion and modeling, yet sport Kathy Lee's casual line in homage. We're all a bit retarded if you ask me.
How ANY human being can become THAT famous and NOT develop a drug habit is beyond me... I'm considering developing one NOW!
Now that's a beautiful woman. And very classy looking.
I'm gonna go develop a coke habit and lose some weight now. Maybe I can get a high(ha-ha!)-priced contract with Burberry now that Katie is out of a job.