There is a huge difference between feeling nostalgic and living in the past.
Exhibit A:
Howard Stern's replacements were announced today, and it appears that Infinity needs at least 2 men and some automated equipment to do his job. Several stations are going to a DJ-free format, but the two "big stars" who will be filling Stern's shoes are the always annoying Adam Carolla and, in my market, David Lee Roth. David Lee Roth as a shock jock. Ok. This would be quite something if it was 1985. It's not. DLR hasn't been shocking since he started spending all his time getting into grumpy old man fights with Eddie Van Halen and trying to cover his ever-expanding bald spot. His voice is the last one I need to hear at the butt-crack of dawn.
Exhibit B:
Madonna never fails to annoy me...but this newest incarnation of herself?? Is this broad kidding? Honey, get your wannabe-Lady Di old ass out of those cheesy Karen Lynn Gorney outfits and figure out once and for all who the hell you are. You've been street trash, a dominatrix, a strip-club version of the virgin fantasy, a street trash wolf in Old Hollywood clothing, a cowgirl hooker and even *gasp* a children's book writer. Now you want to be the lost member of ABBA? When you have to reinvent yourself this many times, that should be the big neon sign that it's either time to hang it up or pick a schtick and schtick with it.
Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

The only thing truly shocking or interesting Madonna could do is be normal. She reminds me of the article in The Onion about Marilyn Manson invading suburbian and boring people, being completely unshocking, with soccer moms scoffing at every lame attempt to horrify them. Madonna is exactly the same. F*cking schizo, if you ask me. How terrible of a person must she be if even SHE doesn't want to be herself?
And as for Madonna - Just go away! I'm tired of you and your acts.
and GOOD LORD could adam corolla be any more annoying? and less entertaining? how is he a celebrity? with shows? i dont' understand...
And that photo of Madonna? I thought it was Tiffany when I first looked at it.
You start getting the feeling that these people aren't happy in their own skins
I hate to admit this, but even though Madonna bugs me now I was a huge fan for years.
i am glad there are others out there who loathe adam corolla as much as i do. that guy is a grade A talentless smarmy turd. he is up there with carson daly -- who are these people other than professional celebrities? amazing how you can be so useless and still famous in this country. WTF
nice shot at madonna. her story has grown tiresome as mike myers used to say as dieter on SNL's "sprockets". that last album "american life" with that gawd awful rap might have been an all time creative low for madge.