There is an episode of The Twilight Zone that many people may recall. The episode actually took place during Mardi Gras, but I think it's appropriate for Halloween. It was titled "The Masks" and was the story of a dying old man in New Orleans who wanted to get revenge on his greedy, selfish family. He proposed that they all wear masks until midnight, as it was a custom. The man lied by telling the others that the masks had to personify the "opposite" of each family member's personality, yet they really portrayed each one's despicable nature. Now, if you haven't seen this episode (or don't know heavy foreshadowing when you see it) and don't want me to spoil it, stop reading. Apparently there is some voodoo curse involved, and once the clock strikes midnight and everyone is able to take their masks off, they all find that their faces now look like the masks. The point was to make them as ugly on the outside as they were on the inside.
I was thinking of starting my own line of cursed, voodoo masks based on celebrities. I imagine it would be a lot easier to dupe someone into wearing a famous face. Here are some examples.
For the person who is...
Outlandishly conceited, annoying and always overcompensating for a lack of physical and intellectual stature.

Simple-minded, spoiled, shameless and starved for attention.

Painfully unfunny, a complete jackass and always wearing out his welcome.

Not really British.

I imagine if I were to turn the tables on myself I would find that I am a little goofy, with possibly too much time on my hands who enjoys making fun of celebrities. I have my mask all ready to go....
I was thinking of starting my own line of cursed, voodoo masks based on celebrities. I imagine it would be a lot easier to dupe someone into wearing a famous face. Here are some examples.
For the person who is...
Outlandishly conceited, annoying and always overcompensating for a lack of physical and intellectual stature.

Simple-minded, spoiled, shameless and starved for attention.

Painfully unfunny, a complete jackass and always wearing out his welcome.

Not really British.

I imagine if I were to turn the tables on myself I would find that I am a little goofy, with possibly too much time on my hands who enjoys making fun of celebrities. I have my mask all ready to go....
