Of course, that story a while back about him getting high and playing the bongos naked didn't do anything to turn most of us ladies off! In searching for a pic of Matthew for this entry, I was really hoping to come across a shot of that. Didn't any of his idiot neighbors have the motivation to get the camera out and try to zoom in through the blinds? If I lived next door to him, I...well, I better not dwell on that fantasy.
I thought he and Sandra Bullock made a cute couple. They kind of looked like the popular-but-nice high school steadies all grown up. Unfortunately, it's been reported that the sexy Texan is now dating Penelope Cruz. I can't stand that chick.
Still, no matter who he's dating or how famous he becomes or how hot he is, Matthew McConaughey will always be Wooderson* to me. And I love Wooderson. He was hot. Even with that porn star hair and mustache and the pink pants, he was hot. It's hard to look truly hot in '70s garb. But he pulled it off.
*If you don't know what I'm talking about, drop what you're doing and go rent Dazed and Confused. Now.
But I'll lurk around and when you dive into politics....I'll mouth off.
One word.....
hope you have enough of it today.
and a southern man!
And hey, you don't have a lowly blog. Your blog is special, just like all of us that put so much energy and passion into it!
If they do go with 80's Nut's idea I pick Jim Morrison.
MM is a doll-baby but not on the top of my list....although the naked bongo playing is very intriguing.
I don't like P Cruz either, she bugs. But no one bugs as much as Renee Z. or Mariah C.
Gosh, I'm in bad mood. I better leave.
I am one of your number one fans so please don't stop writing when you hit the big time in NYC!
You know, I think People did an excellent job this year choosing the sexiest men alive. I agreed with most of the selections and had fun drooling over them.