Aye, I was a wee bit bored, so here's a little St. Pat's Day song for all of you. This one is going out special to Robert Plant and Bar Bar A.
Leprechaun (sung to the tune of "Ramble On")
Shamrocks growing all around,
Time I was on my way.
Rainbow forming in the sky,
Breaking up the gray.
So now 'tis time for me to go,
Playin' bagpipes on the way.
And I can smell the rain starting to wane
Now I gotta make hay.
Oh, sometimes I grow so tired,
But I know I've got one thing I got to do...
I'm a leprechaun!
And now's the time the time is now
To sing my song,
I'm going around the world,
I gotta find me gold.
On my way,
I've been this way since I was a wee babe.
You steal me gold I'll knock you out cold.
Got no time for Lucky Charms,
My riches I depend upon.
And sure, I'll find them at the rainbow's end
'Cause I'm the leprechaun.
(Pipes solo)
I'm a leprechaun!
And now's the time the time is now
To sing my song,
I'm going around the world,
I gotta find me gold.
On my way,
I've been this way since I was an elf babe.
You steal me gold I'll knock you out cold.
A leprechaun ya can not hold,
Our freedom we hold dear.
But years ago in days of old,
After ten pints of beer...
'Twas on the craggy cliffs of Moher,
One met a girl so fair.
Forced him to give up his gold,
And then she slipped away with it.
But nobody's gonna get mine...
Or I'll hit 'em with my shillelagh!
I'm not gonna taaaake (any shite from any of ye filthy fecks)
I'm a leprechaun, so pogue mahone
Gonna work my way back to my gold (leprechaun, baby)
A doodl-y-oo dee dee dum dee dee doo.....
I can't stop tryin' to find my pot,
Gotta keep searching for it, baby (aye, aye, aye, aye...)
Leprechaun (sung to the tune of "Ramble On")
Shamrocks growing all around,
Time I was on my way.
Rainbow forming in the sky,
Breaking up the gray.
So now 'tis time for me to go,
Playin' bagpipes on the way.
And I can smell the rain starting to wane
Now I gotta make hay.
Oh, sometimes I grow so tired,
But I know I've got one thing I got to do...
I'm a leprechaun!
And now's the time the time is now
To sing my song,
I'm going around the world,
I gotta find me gold.
On my way,
I've been this way since I was a wee babe.
You steal me gold I'll knock you out cold.

Got no time for Lucky Charms,
My riches I depend upon.
And sure, I'll find them at the rainbow's end
'Cause I'm the leprechaun.
(Pipes solo)
I'm a leprechaun!
And now's the time the time is now
To sing my song,
I'm going around the world,
I gotta find me gold.
On my way,
I've been this way since I was an elf babe.
You steal me gold I'll knock you out cold.
A leprechaun ya can not hold,
Our freedom we hold dear.
But years ago in days of old,
After ten pints of beer...
'Twas on the craggy cliffs of Moher,
One met a girl so fair.
Forced him to give up his gold,
And then she slipped away with it.
But nobody's gonna get mine...
Or I'll hit 'em with my shillelagh!
I'm not gonna taaaake (any shite from any of ye filthy fecks)
I'm a leprechaun, so pogue mahone
Gonna work my way back to my gold (leprechaun, baby)
A doodl-y-oo dee dee dum dee dee doo.....
I can't stop tryin' to find my pot,
Gotta keep searching for it, baby (aye, aye, aye, aye...)
Happy St. P's Day!
happy green beer day!
I think not.
Eddie stinks, and I don't like him.