Since Steve quickly removed the post he stole from me - and I have nothing else to do today - I have decided to dig a little deeper into Steve Alter's blog history. It should come as no surprise that I've uncovered more proof that Steve Alter is a plagiarist.
Exhibit A:
Here is a blog entry from Shakespeare's Sister, dated March 3, 2005:
Imagine How Diverse the Disciples Would Have Been if Jesus Hadn't Had to Worry About Federal Funding
Now look at Steve's entry, dated March 4, 2005:
G-d Bless America
Exhibit B:
Here is a blog entry from Neal Pollack. This is actually the link to his March 2005 archive, but just scroll down to the entry titled, "Braaaaaaaains!": The Maelstrom - Braaaaaaaains!
Now look at Steve's entry, dated April 20, 2005:
What Else...Braaaaaaaains!
For this one, Steve actually did "alter" it slightly. I think he did so in order to raise any eyebrows due to the fact that there was geographical information included, and the original writer said he grew up in Scottsdale, AZ. Being a Jersey boy, Steve decided to replace Scottsdale, AZ with Nyack, NY. He changed a few very minor details, but that doesn't mean it's still not plagiarism. Those details were obviously changed in order to cover his own ass. He could've covered the same story without using the original writer's same anecdotal set-up. But since Steve Alter is devoid of originality or conscience, he just took someone else's story and personalized it a tad, in order to make it sound like it came from his head.
Exhibit C:
Here is a blog entry from The Astute Blogger, dated March 28, 2005: Would You Want Your Ex To Be Your Legal Guardian?
Now look at Steve's entry, dated April 1, 2005: Schiavo...
Again, he altered this slightly, but only the set-up and last sentence. This is one of his most pathetic rip-offs because in his set up he claims that, "Many of my friends have asked me on which side of the arguement I resided during this trying time for the Schiavo and Schindler families". So basically, he is trying to pass someone else's opinion on the Schiavo case as his own and that he's finally taking the opportunity to "weigh in" on the issue. In other words, he needed to wait until he found a well-written opinion that he could steal, because he probably didn't even know who Terry Shiavo was.
Exhibit D:
Here is a blog entry from Fergie, dated July 8, 2005: Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?
Now look at Steve's entry, dated July 14, 2005: Oh Katie!!!!
I find this humorous because it appears he "altered" some of the answers to the Scientology quiz, which the post is about, yet he managed to get the same result as Fergie with different answers! Oh, Steve!!!! You lame ass! He also added a little line at the end about wanting Katie Holmes's phone number. I thought you were a family man, Steve...what gives? Is the husband and father schtick all a hoax too? I haven't found any proof of that yet, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Below are the screen shots I grabbed from Steve's blog, should he decide to put his tail between his legs and delete them all in an effort to mask his e-kleptomania. You can click on the thumbnails to see the larger versions.

Exhibit A:
Here is a blog entry from Shakespeare's Sister, dated March 3, 2005:
Imagine How Diverse the Disciples Would Have Been if Jesus Hadn't Had to Worry About Federal Funding
Now look at Steve's entry, dated March 4, 2005:
G-d Bless America
Exhibit B:
Here is a blog entry from Neal Pollack. This is actually the link to his March 2005 archive, but just scroll down to the entry titled, "Braaaaaaaains!": The Maelstrom - Braaaaaaaains!
Now look at Steve's entry, dated April 20, 2005:
What Else...Braaaaaaaains!
For this one, Steve actually did "alter" it slightly. I think he did so in order to raise any eyebrows due to the fact that there was geographical information included, and the original writer said he grew up in Scottsdale, AZ. Being a Jersey boy, Steve decided to replace Scottsdale, AZ with Nyack, NY. He changed a few very minor details, but that doesn't mean it's still not plagiarism. Those details were obviously changed in order to cover his own ass. He could've covered the same story without using the original writer's same anecdotal set-up. But since Steve Alter is devoid of originality or conscience, he just took someone else's story and personalized it a tad, in order to make it sound like it came from his head.
Exhibit C:
Here is a blog entry from The Astute Blogger, dated March 28, 2005: Would You Want Your Ex To Be Your Legal Guardian?
Now look at Steve's entry, dated April 1, 2005: Schiavo...
Again, he altered this slightly, but only the set-up and last sentence. This is one of his most pathetic rip-offs because in his set up he claims that, "Many of my friends have asked me on which side of the arguement I resided during this trying time for the Schiavo and Schindler families". So basically, he is trying to pass someone else's opinion on the Schiavo case as his own and that he's finally taking the opportunity to "weigh in" on the issue. In other words, he needed to wait until he found a well-written opinion that he could steal, because he probably didn't even know who Terry Shiavo was.
Exhibit D:
Here is a blog entry from Fergie, dated July 8, 2005: Thank You Sir, May I Have Another?
Now look at Steve's entry, dated July 14, 2005: Oh Katie!!!!
I find this humorous because it appears he "altered" some of the answers to the Scientology quiz, which the post is about, yet he managed to get the same result as Fergie with different answers! Oh, Steve!!!! You lame ass! He also added a little line at the end about wanting Katie Holmes's phone number. I thought you were a family man, Steve...what gives? Is the husband and father schtick all a hoax too? I haven't found any proof of that yet, but it wouldn't surprise me.
Below are the screen shots I grabbed from Steve's blog, should he decide to put his tail between his legs and delete them all in an effort to mask his e-kleptomania. You can click on the thumbnails to see the larger versions.

He may think he can just delete it from the Internet, but he can't erase all the evidence.
i went to his blog and love how there is no way to actually contact the coward. can the powers that be do anything about this?
Is this even possible? Could someone actually be so devoid of ethics that they'd blatantly steal someone else's personal thoughts? Could this be some kind of sociological internet experiment?