This blog has been interrupted for medical reasons...

Just so y'all don't think I've given up blogging, I wanted to let you know that I've had a weird medical issue arise lately. Let's just say abscess + inner thigh = bad times. Apparently these nasty things can just develop and make your life hell. Anyway, I just had minor surgery to slice the demon lump open yesterday, and it bothers me to sit at the computer for a long time because of where it is. Hopefully I will have lots of fun celeb stuff to talk about when I get back into the groove. In the meantime, I'll be riding the percocet wave. If anyone doesn't already know, percocet is faaaabulous.


Anonymous said…
Hope you feel better soon. What am I saying - you have percocet? You're feeling just fine!!!
Les Becker said…
This sucks. Everybody's on cool, legal drugs, and I'm stuck with the Tequila Flashbacks. Not pretty.
Good gravy! Get better, feel better, come back when you feel better, and we'll be waiting!
Happy Villain said…
Aw, Beck, take care and enjoy the meds while you have them. And don't worry. Celebs will be doing plenty of idiotic things when you're healthy enough to return, so enjoy the reprieve.
Metal Mark said…
Get well soon.
Heather said…
Hope you're better soon!!
LoraLoo said…
I hope all is well very soon. In the meantime, enjoy those great legal drugs. :)
Lee Ann said…
Sorry, I hope you are feeling better soon!
cmhl said…
eeeek!!!!! happy healing...
Martin said…
Get better quickly. B)
ow! I hope you are feeling better soon!
Lee Ann said…
Hope you are feeling better.
Neo said…
Becky - That sucks! Get better soon! Hey at least with the pills you won't feel any pain. ;) LOL

Peace & Hugs,

- Neo
Brooks Brown said…
BeckEye -- hope you can get back up and serving those pop culture dishes sometime soon. i know how surgery can put life on pause, but that's the way it has to be so you can heal (and fully enjoy the percocet trip). hope you're feeling better soon!
Cup said…
I can top you. In high school, I had a mess o' staph ... in my arm pit. Huge Novacaine needle into the pit, then that lancing crap. Made my dad cry just watching.