Forgotten Classic Video of the Week

I totally dropped the ball on what was to have been a monthly recurring post - the "Other Guy of the Month" essay. Sorry, I just ran out of interesting guys. But, I still love that Charlie Schlatter.

Anyway, I've decided to not only replace that monthly bit, but I'm one-upping it with a more frequent bit - the "Forgotten Classic Video of the Week." (This is both visually stimulating for us all and appeals to my lazy side - YouTube is doing all the work.) I originally intended for it to be solely '80s videos, but now that I'm older all the years are running together, and there might be some early to mid-'90s videos that could actually be considered "classics" at this point. How depressing. I'll try to stick to oft "forgotten" gems, as the title suggests.

So, without further ado, the inaugural Forgotten Classic Video of the Week:
"Wouldn't It Be Good" by Nik Kershaw

This is one of my favorite songs from the '80s and people rarely remember it. I was so happy to find it on YouTube. I remember seeing this video before I had MTV and had to kick it with Night Tracks on TBS. They played this one a lot, and not only did I love the song, but I totally dug the Twilight Zone-y feel of the video. I imagine this was probably pretty cutting edge back when it premiered.


Les Becker said…
Okay, so where the hell was *I* when this song came out? Why don't I remember it - at - all?! Where's my pills?
"Night Tracks!" Wow, that brings back memories. This song was huge in Europe. I dug "Don Quixote" a little more, though.

Nik baffled me, he wanted to be taken seriously as a musician just as the heartthrob-thing was peaking.
Unknown said…
Here I am, on a quiet Saturday afternoon, digging through your great blog (I'm a TV & Pop Culture fan) and minding my own business. After slogging through the "Reality TV" post I wasn't sure if I could go any further, but it seems my persistence has paid off -- in spades!

"Wouldn't It Be Good" is one of my absolute favorite songs of all time! When Nik sings, "stay out of my shoes, if you know what's good for you . . ." I still get a chill! The whole LP is great (yep, I've got it on vinyl!) and I'm going to listen to it -- right now! Thanks for the video; it's been years since I've seen it!