A Hair-Raising Incident

Patrick Dempsey and Isaiah Washington got into a bit of a scuffle on the set of Grey's Anatomy last week. It seems they had one of those little actor's tiffs that are pretty commonplace wherever there are famous boys with egos.

I know what you're all concerned about, and I'm happy to report that Patrick's hair was not harmed during the altercation. It's still as McThick, McWavy and perfectly McTousled as ever.


Masha said…
hahaha! it could've been because McDreamy didn't listen to Burke when he tried to tell him his hand wasn't okay...( in the episode)
Isaiah is 6'1"...

Patrick is 5'10 1/2"

To Patrick's credit, he gives up at least twenty-five pounds.
Lee Ann said…
I wouldn't have minded going nose to nose with McDreamy!