A cause of death hasn't been determined yet, but apparently Smith died after collapsing today in a Florida hotel. This comes on the heels of her son's mysterious death, which was later found to be drug-related, yet accidental. I can't imagine a woman Anna's age just dropping dead for no reason, but you never know.
Being the suspicious type, I wouldn't be surprised if her death ended up being TrimSpa related. I don't trust any of those diet drugs. I knew a guy who took Xenadrine, and he said it made him feel like his heart was going to burst out of his chest. I worked at GNC when they were nearly put out of business by the Ephedra scare. It's bad stuff. I've been struggling to shed some pounds, but I would never go that route.
Whatever the cause, I'm not making any jokes about Anna's untimely death. She really is quite a strange, tragic figure. I suppose she went out in similar fashion to her idol, Marilyn Monroe. I just feel sad for the daughter whose paternity is still in question and who will now have to grow up without a mother.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
I hope Neo is wrong. I hope that her and her son were drug addicts who accidentally OD's then at least her daughter won't have to have too many weird stories about her mom floating around.
Poor kid :(
Had some time today, during my trip, to do a "walk around the blogs"