For those of you who aren't addicted to American Idol, this is Sunjaya, seemingly the early favorite to nab this year's "Contestant Who Always Lasts Much Longer Than He/She Should" title. And it's not that the kid can't sing; he actually has a fairly pleasant voice. It's just that he sings everything sotto voce and seems to move in slow motion. Something is very off about Sunjaya. That eerie state of calm...the breathy whisper...the 1.21 jigowatt smile. It's the latter that really makes me uncomfortable, because with that perma-grin on, it's almost like he's not even moving his lips when he's singing. When you put that together with the big eyes and the bony features, he kind of resembles a ventriloquist's dummy...and those things are always creepy. It's as if, just by looking directly into his eyes, he could put you into a hypnotic trance...or possibly will you to kill your parents.
Or maybe he just reminds me of Michael Jackson. Either way, I'm justifiably freaked out.
This work is very good, thank you
Okay, I've seen pictures of this kid all over the internet (Yahoo! is trying to make him their poster boy). You fully captured his creepy factor. I saw a snippet of Idol at a friends house that TiVoed it. Total creep; he looks like a bird that is about to peck your eye out.
By the way, have you seen the Mandy Moore/Hugh Grant movie American Dreamz? It's a great lampoon of Idol and President Bush. Dennis Quaid plays a great dopey Bush who is totally out of touch. And I guess Grant is supposed to be Simon Cowel. Funny movie.
Anyway, you're hilarous.