I never realized until today that Boston released a new record in 2002, Corporate America, but now I feel compelled to check it out. I just hope that it's their last. I hope that the surviving members don't try to replace Delp. His shoes were much too big to fill. His was truly one of the great voices in rock history, and he'll be missed.
Boston was one of the most popular bands in the late '70s and early '80s, known for consistently turning out ol' fashioned, feel-good party rock. They have, unfortunately, become somewhat maligned over the years, much like other classic rock faves Styx or Kansas. Indie snobs would like to dismiss Boston's catalog of work as nothing more than soundalike, drunken frat boy music. They're wrong.
Regarding the "soundalike" part of that description - yes, it is true that a Boston song is pretty easy to identify. They have a signature sound that hinges on Tom Scholz's fuzzy guitar (achieved through much experimentation with amps and mics) and Delp's amazing vocals. However, their songs aren't so alike that you can't distinguish one from the other. They just all fit a certain mold.
As for the "drunken frat boy music" title - well, what's wrong with party music? I'll tell you - not a damn thing! But, that's not all Boston is about. Sure, the songs are great for blasting out the neighbors, tokin' and forgetting about your troubles, but they are also musically well-composed with simple yet vivid, memorable lyrics. And, personally, I love a dash of musical drama now and then, which Boston was pretty good at serving.

Top 10 Boston Tunes:
1. Amanda - I can't stress enough how wonderfully dramatic this song is. Who didn't want to be Amanda when this came out? Who still doesn't? One of the best love songs EVER.
2. A Man I'll Never Be - More drama. Just a wonderful, gut-wrenchingly emotional song.
3. Something About You - Whatever it is, he's got-ta got-ta have you.
4. Feelin' Satisfied - "You gotta have a little rock 'n' roll music to get you through the stormy weather." That's what I've been trying to tell you people!
5. Longtime - "You'll forget about me after I've been gone." No we won't, Brad.
6. Rock and Roll Band - For some reason, everytime I hear this song now, the last verse always makes me think of the end of "Wayne's World." And it's still so fun to sing that part way up high: "Sign a record company contract..."
7. Peace of Mind - If anyone understands about indecision, it's me.
8. Hitch A Ride - Pretty lyrics and an even prettier guitar solo/outro.
9. More Than A Feeling - "When I'm tired and thinking cold, I hide in my music, forget the day." How I love odes to odes.
10. Let Me Take You Home Tonight - Taking us back to a simpler time when it was actually cool for a man to call a woman "mama."
I'm hoping my comment will allow me to escape being punched for now being an indie snob!
The local semi-classic rock station is down to "Rock & Roll Band," "Peace of Mind," "Taking My Time," and my fave, "More Than a Feeling."
One of the DJs mentioned that they were in the process of writing new material, it would be a shame for them to record it with an inferior singer.
As for Indie snobs, they be the reason a lot of what we hear on the radio these days if self-indulgent crap. They don't seem to realize that there is room in the world for bands whose purpose is to entertain with rollicking beats.
But that's just one man's opinion.
BTW - wonderful characterization of Boston's music as dramatic. That's a great word for it.
RIP Brad!