Brit angry...Brit!

This might be my favorite picture of anyone, ever. I hope the photog who snapped this got a nice, all-expenses paid week in Aruba for his efforts.
Britney moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and watch her unravel once in a while, you could miss the final act. (Thanks, Ferris, for allowing me to fiddle with your classic quote.) You may be thinking to yourself, "Gee, I haven't seen a picture of Brit's hoo-hah in a while...I wonder what it and/or she has been up to?" You've come to the right place for answers, people. Now that she's finished firing her manager (for *gasp* trying to manage her), buying up all the wigs in North America, trying (and failing miserably) to deliver biting, sarcastic commentary on the media, and airing her daddy issues, she feels that the time is right to stage a comeback. How does she plan to do this? Three words: San-Freaking-Jaya.
The latest scoop claims that Brit is jonesin' for a duet with the vocally-challenged AI castoff. Part of me thinks that this makes perfect sense. Incidentally, it's the only part of me that isn't considering a tympanectomy in the event that this rumor is true.
If it doesn't work out, she and Phil Stacey can always join the Blue Man Group. (I really need to get Photoshop for times like this.)

*Edit: The always dapper, witty and eager-to-please Deadspot gives us this fantastic sneak peek at Blue Britney.

This might be my favorite picture of anyone, ever. I hope the photog who snapped this got a nice, all-expenses paid week in Aruba for his efforts.
Britney moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and watch her unravel once in a while, you could miss the final act. (Thanks, Ferris, for allowing me to fiddle with your classic quote.) You may be thinking to yourself, "Gee, I haven't seen a picture of Brit's hoo-hah in a while...I wonder what it and/or she has been up to?" You've come to the right place for answers, people. Now that she's finished firing her manager (for *gasp* trying to manage her), buying up all the wigs in North America, trying (and failing miserably) to deliver biting, sarcastic commentary on the media, and airing her daddy issues, she feels that the time is right to stage a comeback. How does she plan to do this? Three words: San-Freaking-Jaya.
The latest scoop claims that Brit is jonesin' for a duet with the vocally-challenged AI castoff. Part of me thinks that this makes perfect sense. Incidentally, it's the only part of me that isn't considering a tympanectomy in the event that this rumor is true.
If it doesn't work out, she and Phil Stacey can always join the Blue Man Group. (I really need to get Photoshop for times like this.)

*Edit: The always dapper, witty and eager-to-please Deadspot gives us this fantastic sneak peek at Blue Britney.
Its hard not to feel at least a BIT sorry for her. Its just so embarrassing to be her.
For some reason a thought of Michael Jackson just flashed through my you think fame is what pushed him over the edge and turned him into a freakish being?
"Jeez, it's a good thing she's in radio", I thunk to myself, "cuz she sho' as hell can't make a silly face worth a damn."
This one is "ajonf" which isn't nearly as amusing as "rag m' pants". Is there something you can do about that??
No wait, I know what happened....
Aliens have taken over her body and she is gone!!!!!
lol! The perfect caption. She does look like some pre-rampaging android out of Blade Runner.
Brittney's business sense is about as boneheaded as her common sense. I don't know that Sanjaya will want to sing with her!
(me either)
Hilarous post, as usual.