That always-wretched but often-delightful gossip site, X17, recently broke the news that Britney Spears (the pot) is slapping a restraining order against her mama Lynne (the kettle) to keep her away from Brit's kids. The order is based on Brit's claim that her momz is addicted to painkillers, so she isn't a good role model right now for the already-doomed Sean Preston and Jayden James.
The gossip mongers think that Britney is actually punishing Lynne for taking the kids to visit K-Fed, because she thinks the two are "plotting against her." You know, like how they "forced" her into rehab when she clearly didn't need it. I think there's a much simpler explanation. She's just pissed that her mom isn't sharing her awesome prescription drugs.
Sean Preston, if you could read this I would tell you to grab your brother, hop in that kiddie Escalade, put the pedal to the metal and go. Don't look back. It doesn't matter where you go, just go. Maybe you could drive to Brangelina's house. I'm sure they'd take good care of you. Of course, they would probably trade in your Caddy for a Land Rover but that's to be expected. That fancy gas-guzzler would never make it across the savannahs of Kenya.
So...this is now two Britney posts in a row? I know, I know, it's pathetic but I kind of feel obligated to the girl. With Paris in jail and Lindsay back in rehab, she's pulling triple duty.
Oh, and in case y'all forgot...this is what good motherin' looks like:
The gossip mongers think that Britney is actually punishing Lynne for taking the kids to visit K-Fed, because she thinks the two are "plotting against her." You know, like how they "forced" her into rehab when she clearly didn't need it. I think there's a much simpler explanation. She's just pissed that her mom isn't sharing her awesome prescription drugs.
Sean Preston, if you could read this I would tell you to grab your brother, hop in that kiddie Escalade, put the pedal to the metal and go. Don't look back. It doesn't matter where you go, just go. Maybe you could drive to Brangelina's house. I'm sure they'd take good care of you. Of course, they would probably trade in your Caddy for a Land Rover but that's to be expected. That fancy gas-guzzler would never make it across the savannahs of Kenya.
So...this is now two Britney posts in a row? I know, I know, it's pathetic but I kind of feel obligated to the girl. With Paris in jail and Lindsay back in rehab, she's pulling triple duty.
Oh, and in case y'all forgot...this is what good motherin' looks like:

Are you invited to the Orange One's big Get Out of Jail Free party?
Keep going with the paranoia's your birthday *throwing hands in the air*
I tagged you... come check out the post on Rockin' Girl Bloggers.
This is classic!!!
Thanks sugar--I am trading in EW for you.