...but then I'm sure that you know this post's for you.

His name is Simon and he's 49 today
Just like John Taylor, he just gets better with age
I hope he's having cherry ice cream and a cake
Oh Simon, Simon have a really great birthday
Remember when I said I could make up my own lyrics to songs? Yeah...well, I never said they were any good.

His name is Simon and he's 49 today
Just like John Taylor, he just gets better with age
I hope he's having cherry ice cream and a cake
Oh Simon, Simon have a really great birthday
Remember when I said I could make up my own lyrics to songs? Yeah...well, I never said they were any good.
YouTube here.
Man he still looks damn good.
Grant - I was going for New Wave, but I'll take Rock.
Sans - Thanks for the link. There must be a problem with YouTube right now because I can't get it to load. But I'll watch it eventually!
Loraloo - He does. I'm so glad he's back to blonde. I never really liked him as a brunette, even though I generally like guys with dark hair.
WP - I hope you have your pan flute ready.
Chancelucky - Why does everyone want to destroy the love that John and I share? Anyway, I did a birthday post for him, too so he won't be upset.