I've had a nice, long vacation from meme-land, but it looks like it's back to the grind. I was recently tagged simulataneously by Bubs and Write Procrastinator with a meme which forces me to tell you all seven random facts about myself that you don't already know. I will try to stick to the pop cultural format as best I can. Since my life revolves around trivial stuff, it shouldn't be a problem. Also, since I've seen this meme floating around with the theme of "seven lame facts," I will make half of the list lame tidbits and the other half awesome ones. (The awesome ones will actually only be awesome to me. They will still be lame to everyone else.) Stick around, kids, and watch me cut seven in half!
7 1/2 Peeks (into the PopEye)
1. I'm really good at making up my own lyrics to songs on the spot. I do this frequently.
2. I've probably seen Grease more than anyone on this Earth. Obviously, I have no way of knowing how many times I've actually seen it, but if I had to bet everything I own on the fact that I've seen it the most times ever, I'd feel pretty confident placing that bet. If you don't believe me, I'd be happy to act the whole thing out for you. Why don't any little theaters have people do that, like they do with The Rocky Horror Picture Show? If any do, I need to know about it.
3. I usually come up with fairly original Halloween costume ideas. My friend Angela thought my best one was the year I just wore a blue dress with devil horns and a devil tail, so I was the "Devil with the Blue Dress On." We went to a party that was thrown by a local rock station, and no one could figure it out. People kept thinking I was a Duke Blue Devil or they just assumed I wore a blue dress for no good reason. One person actually asked, "If you're a devil, why do you have a blue dress on?" Yeah, there are some slow people in the world.
3 1/2. I can draw just about anything really well, without tracing.
4. I can draw just about anything really well, without tracing, but it might take me an hour to draw one thing. And I can't just draw from memory. I have to be looking at what I'm trying to draw as a reference. Oh, and when I say "just about anything" I really only mean cartoon characters and animals.
5. When I was little, I used to tape record myself doing all kinds of dumb stuff. One thing that I vividly remember was a bit that I aptly titled, "Different Languages in Songs." I would tune into the big band/instrumental station on the radio and just tape myself singing jibberish along to the tune.
6. I've seen From Justin to Kelly twice. Neither time was accidental. It's not that I liked it, there was just nothing else on TV and I was too lazy to go do something else. In my defense though, parts of it were really hilarious. No matter that it wasn't intended to be a comedy.
7. I took piano lessons for about 7 years and now I'm lucky if I can play "Chopsticks." Yes, I kick myself in the ass every day.
The rules say I'm supposed to tag some more people, but I'm not gonna. Tagging people is lame and I'm much too awesome for that.
7 1/2 Peeks (into the PopEye)
1. I'm really good at making up my own lyrics to songs on the spot. I do this frequently.

3. I usually come up with fairly original Halloween costume ideas. My friend Angela thought my best one was the year I just wore a blue dress with devil horns and a devil tail, so I was the "Devil with the Blue Dress On." We went to a party that was thrown by a local rock station, and no one could figure it out. People kept thinking I was a Duke Blue Devil or they just assumed I wore a blue dress for no good reason. One person actually asked, "If you're a devil, why do you have a blue dress on?" Yeah, there are some slow people in the world.

4. I can draw just about anything really well, without tracing, but it might take me an hour to draw one thing. And I can't just draw from memory. I have to be looking at what I'm trying to draw as a reference. Oh, and when I say "just about anything" I really only mean cartoon characters and animals.
5. When I was little, I used to tape record myself doing all kinds of dumb stuff. One thing that I vividly remember was a bit that I aptly titled, "Different Languages in Songs." I would tune into the big band/instrumental station on the radio and just tape myself singing jibberish along to the tune.

7. I took piano lessons for about 7 years and now I'm lucky if I can play "Chopsticks." Yes, I kick myself in the ass every day.
The rules say I'm supposed to tag some more people, but I'm not gonna. Tagging people is lame and I'm much too awesome for that.
Oh yeah, I really liked the play on words of this post's title. Speaking of which, you know who's b-day is coming up right?
AND LOL on From Justin To Kelly --are you gonna tell me you watch Lifetime movies too? ;-)
Don't answer those questions.
I especially like #1 and #5. When we finally meet at that inevitable blogger gathering at some point in the future, I'll ask you to compose a theme song for me on the spot. And, like you, one of my favorite toys was a reel-to-reel tape recorder that I used all the time when I was little.
I can't believe you've actually watched that Justin and Kelly movie twice. You are too awesome for that.
I so totally got the Devil With The Blue Dress On & I'm musically challanged. Sheesh.
how could you be at a party for a rock station and no one get 'DWTBDO' reference...
For everyone that hasn't heard the Mitch Ryder song, you'd think they had heard of the Walter Mosley novel or the Denzel Washington movie.
I've never seen thirty seconds the Justin/Kelly movie. Now if it was "Justin and Kelly, High Noon?" I would've caught it at least four times on basic cable.
"The rules say I'm supposed to tag some more people, but I'm not gonna. Tagging people is lame and I'm much too awesome for that."
Um, you're not a student of history, are you ; )