I've been warned by the Pop Culture Bloggers' Association that my categorization as a "pop culture blog" is in danger due to willful disregard on my part. Fine. The PCBA wins.
Here is famous-for-nothing, bubble-butt celebutard Kim Kardashian. ---->
Now, can anyone give me one good reason why I should give a good rat's ass about this broad? And, by the way, the following are unacceptable answers:
1. She's rich.
2. She has a sex tape.
3. Bruce Jenner is her stepfather. (Let's face it - once upon a time the world may have cared about Bruce Jenner when he was an Olympic hero, but future generations will now only remember him as "the creepy old dude" from that Kardashian show on E! Seriously, he looks like he could be the newest Dick Tracy character, "Tightface.")
Suddenly, Kim Kardashian is everywhere, and I have no idea where she came from. I suspect, though, that someone got Paris Hilton wet and Kim grew from one of the little fur balls that popped out of her. Thank God they never eat after midnight. Or noon, even.

Now, can anyone give me one good reason why I should give a good rat's ass about this broad? And, by the way, the following are unacceptable answers:
1. She's rich.
2. She has a sex tape.
3. Bruce Jenner is her stepfather. (Let's face it - once upon a time the world may have cared about Bruce Jenner when he was an Olympic hero, but future generations will now only remember him as "the creepy old dude" from that Kardashian show on E! Seriously, he looks like he could be the newest Dick Tracy character, "Tightface.")
Suddenly, Kim Kardashian is everywhere, and I have no idea where she came from. I suspect, though, that someone got Paris Hilton wet and Kim grew from one of the little fur balls that popped out of her. Thank God they never eat after midnight. Or noon, even.
And Tightface is right. The scariest thing about living in LA/Orange County is the moments when you come face-to-face with a plastic surgery addict. (This was accurately depicted on last week's episode of Nip/Tuck.)
Sidenote: Last weekend in Orange Co. I saw a woman who was probably around 58 with bleached blonde hair, collagen-filled lips, and silicone knockers. To top it off she was baring her stomach and wearing mega-tight jeans. Always interesting to see Plastics in their natural habitat - the mall.
and I hope Brody ages better than his father did, Bruce looks frightened.
The only thing I thought was that she might be related to the late Robert Kardashian. Otherwise, why would a sex tape of her be such a big deal, if not a relative of the famous?
Because she's famous and has a stupid look on her face. ?
BTW, I just watched Gremlins the other nght.
I think I saw the same woman in OC as your friend Moxie ...
Les - The dumb socialite's idea of "giving to charity" is having a drunken one-nighter with a non-famous person.
Molie - So, excepting 90% of all straight men?
Deadspot - Yep. Creepy, eh?
Pistols - Well, sex tapes are like STDs and DUIs to these girls by now. They've all had at least one.
Skyler's Dad - You, sir, are a gentleman and a poet. :)
CP - No, it's a sign that you're much better at tuning out assholes than I am.
Moxie - Yeah, you don't have to look very far to find someone prettier than Paris Hilton. I'm convinced that she's part anteater.
Barbara - I didn't want the Pop Culture Gods to think I didn't know she existed. I know, I just don't care.
Bluez - Yeah, Brody Jenner is pretty hot. Let's just hope he doesn't turn out like dear old dad in about 30-40 years. Oh, and if I start watching "The Hills," please throw me off of one.
X.Dell - She's Robert Kardashian's daughter, but her "celebrity" probably was created by her friendship with Paris Hilton and, obviously, the sex tape.
Manx - I'm going to assume that Cardasians were some alien race that Kirk and crew had to fight. If they're not Klingons, I have no idea.
Suze - It's pathetic that people are just famous for having money now. These are this generation's role models. Rich, skinny whores who drink and drive. I weep for the future.
BSUWG - By that reasoning, I should care about a lot more people than I do.
Dale - Kenny Rogers' new head scares the beejeezuz out of me.
Layla - If you can continue on without hearing about her, you are a lucky woman. Don't feel you're missing anything!
Beth - Stick with J. Lo and Beyonce if you wanna support junk in the trunk. At least they're providing the world with some type of entertainment.
Anandamide - No one's given either of us a good reason to care yet, right?
Dodger - You're lucky. And yes, MTV still exists, although what the M stands for is still up for debate.
WP - I aim to please.
Grant - I don't listen to Howard Stern anymore since I don't get Sirius or XM...whatever he's on. But I'm not surprised that he would bow down to this broad.
Distributorcap - Yes to the first, and I'm not sure to the second.
Bruce Jenner is married to her mom?
I wonder how much they paid publicit
I wonder how much they paid publicists to make this happen?
How in the hell can you have that much money and be that uninteresting? What happened to the days of flamboyant, drunken rich people with inspired antics?