Sorry for my absence, folks. My eye has been a bit too pooped to pop lately. There was a lot of road trippin', then I fell into a tryptophan coma and woke feeling awful. I don't know what bug I caught, but it feels like a guy named Epstein Barr is filming a Mucinex commercial inside my body. That I'm even writing this tiny post is thanks to NyQuil liquicaps. That stuff is a God-send, but I'm surprised it hasn't been the subject of a very dramatic Dateline - NyQuil: Effective cold remedy for the sick...or cheap OTC roofies for sick frat boys?
Anyway, I'm hoping to be back in a blog writing and reading mood soon so I hope you'll bear with me.
I did see one thing that I wanted to mention quickly. It's about Britney, of course. Apparently, this happened at the beginning of the month but I hadn't heard about it until now. It seems that Brit parked her car in a handicapped spot while she was going for one of her tri-daily tanning sessions, which caused a big uproar (again, not big enough for me to hear) and many people labelled her lazy and insensitive. I'm actually on her side for once. I mean, if that girl isn't handicapped, I don't know who is. Let her park there. I'll bet when people with real physical handicaps start to feel a little down they think, "It could be worse...I could be Britney Spears."
I'm sure Brit doesn't consider herself handicapped though. I'm sure that's not why she parked there. I'm sure she just said, "Dag y'all, why'z thar need to be a handikept space in front of tha tannin' place? It's not like they can get thar chairs in tha beds."
Anyway, I'm hoping to be back in a blog writing and reading mood soon so I hope you'll bear with me.

I'm sure Brit doesn't consider herself handicapped though. I'm sure that's not why she parked there. I'm sure she just said, "Dag y'all, why'z thar need to be a handikept space in front of tha tannin' place? It's not like they can get thar chairs in tha beds."
There's a special place in hell reserved for people who park illegally in the handicapped spaces.
I hope you feel better soon!!
You've got a long way to hit bottom.
-- david
Too far?
Go ahead. Stand in front of the moving car. See how that works out for you.
I'm confident that Darwin can sort things out from there.
and LMOO at your "quote"
Hope you feel better soon sugar.
Oh dear god that was funny and somehow seems like she would actually say it.
And, in her defense, I 'heard' that Julia didn't notice the spot was hdcpd until she was leaving and was pictured pointing it out as they drove away. Just sayin'.