Here's his other band, Film, who he skipped out on right after they got offered a deal with Maverick. I've heard different versions of the story - some which paint him as a dick and others which don't. (Well, he was like 22 at the time. Newsflash: All 22 year-old guys are dicks.) At any rate, I dig the song "Q." Can't say I love the artsy, mysterious title, but it's got a pretty melody. It's very "movie soundtrack," in a good way. And Michael doesn't sound like Eddie Vedder or Michael Hutchence here. He just sounds like someone who needs to leave his wife immediately.
I must point him to this blog next time he's over for dinner. Must say,
I enjoyed having him over for Earth Hour last night, you know in the dark and all that.
(the word verification on your blog is always, like, six times longer than the word verification anywhere else)
GT - MJ? Please, I know it was only Michael Jackson who you had over for dinner last night. Stop trying to antagonize me.
CDM - Don't think that song hasn't been running through my head for the past month. I may even have to post that video at some point, although I don't think anyone has forgotten it. And I don't know what the dealio is with my word verification. I certainly don't ask for long words!
Me knows exactly how you feel, dude.
Oh he came to America on a tennis scholarship? There are such things as tennis scholarships? Neeeat..
And there's a frriggin Facebook group-
In case you don't already know. Which I doubt.
Oh and sumfink called the Atlanta Kookaburras?
Me too lazy to go through the whole thing myself.
Angie did think about naming the puppy Michelle which is close to Michael. I put a new picture of her on my blog last night. She is too cute!