I'm really hoping this isn't true. Look at them. Doesn't it creep anyone out that they look like brother and sister? Hmm, what if they really are? Maybe Jen's dad, John, is more like his Days of our Lives character, Victor Kiriakis, than we know! He's out there creating an evil empire of mediocre actors by siring illegitimate children all over the world.
Jennifer Aniston is just Jennifer Aniston though. Not that there's anything wrong with her, but when we were dating she was just kind of blah.
I mean you talk about the weather and current events and all that stuff, have some mediocre meaningless sex, watch some TV, then what? She's still Jennifer Aniston and you're still no closer to world domination than you were the previous day.
So there it is -I laid it all out- it's nothing you didn't read about on TMZ.
Sorry Jen, you know it wasn't meant to be either. Stop sending me gifts and trying to arouse jealousy by fooling around with Ben Stiller. Err, Owen Wilson.
Bob Ted Carol and Alice
And I (yes I will admit it) loved Days of our lives...back when Victor was on!! He was a cool bad guy!
Red - Hmm. Tell your grandma to call me.
Chris - I'll be there for you. When the rain starts to pour.
The Other Cory - Yeah, but at least Owen is pretty funny. I don't have anything against Jen, but I hate the way she talks with her teeth clenched.
Suze's Sass - Should they take Joey Tribbiani's "Smell the Fart Acting" class?
Franiam - Are you opposed to them or the possibility that they are related?
Dan - He is funny. But as a "thespian" he is just mediocre. And what are you saying? If Jennifer Aniston had dated Hitler, she would've prevented him from taking over Europe?
GT - Yeah, but in 2008 it would have 500% more nudity!!
SkylersDad - I actually got this picture from People. Or US. I forget. They're basically the same magazine.
Chelene - You can't have two mellow people together. It's just no fun. Owen needs someone like, I don't know, Coral from The Real World.
Fran - But he's the Butterscotch Stallion!
Falwless - You should start your own book series like "Where's Waldo?" Every picture would have a hidden Owen and they would be titled "Where's the Sadness?"
Scott - I knew a lot of guys in college who actually scheduled their classes around Days. And these were like, big football players.
Cube - Oh come on. Like any Hollywood actor would fake a relationship just for some cheap movie publicity. Don't be ridiculous.
Chancelucky - He's funny in that way that the charming stoner from your college dorm was.
Kristi - Hmm, I'm not much of a Luke fan. He's so bland.
Grant - Unfortunately, it's real. I wish I had Photoshop to create fake ones.