Last month, Bloody Awful Poetry (BAP), tagged me with the "15 Sexiest Musician" meme. Now, BAP's back for more, all up in my bid-ness, wanting to know what big-screen men float my boat. Although I universally hate memes, ones of the "hot men" variety are the exception. I really don't mind drooling all over myself. I just stocked up on paper towels from Costco. So, away we go!
1. John Travolta - Like I said with Eddie Vedder (the #1 on my musician list), well duh. Look, even John knew he was going to be in the top spot. The saying goes that you never forget your first love, and John was mine. I've loved the guy since I was 5, and I don't imagine that I'll ever stop.

2. Jeremy Sisto - He's got one fabulous head of hair and a drop-dead sexy deep voice. He's also got a knack for playing characters who are a bit out of whack which, for some reason, is kind of hot. Is it any surprise that a man who grew up this fine started out looking like a mini-Travolta?
3. Ewan McGregor - He's a great actor, a great singer, has a devilish grin, rides a motorcycle and likes to expose himself frequently. Oh, and then there's that delicious accent. What else do you need?
4. Paul Rudd - What I find the most adorable about Paul is that he's outrageously funny, and he's not afraid to look completely stupid. (Remember him dancing to "Aquarius" at the end of The 40-Year-Old Virgin?) Would he still be hot if he weren't as funny? Hmm. Yeah, probably. I mean, good-looking is good-looking. He might just be a little further down my list.
5. Hugh Jackman - Sadly, the last time I did a hot guy list, I left Hugh off. I don't know how that happened. You must all know by know that I am a sucker for accents, and none get to me quite like the Aussie accent does. There's something about him that makes him seem like he's a bit of a rake off-screen, but I've heard that he's quite the devoted family man, which is even sexier.
6. Bradley Cooper - One of the few blondes on my list, Bradley has the kind of good looks that one might find in a frat-boy jerkoff, but hey, I always went for those guys in my younger days. I thought he was really funny as the preppy villain in Wedding Crashers, but it was his role as the nature-loving best friend of Matthew McConaughey in Failure to Launch that won me over. Now I just wanna go camping with him, and I don't even really like camping.
7. Johnny Depp - Johnny is one of those guys who you can probably find on most ladies' sexy lists. He used to be further up mine, but his penchant for dressing like a hobo these days has dropped him down a bit. However, no matter what he does to try to mask his gorgeousness, it never really seems to work. The boy just can't hide what the good Lord gave him.
8. Matthew McConaughey - It seems like a lot of gals are losing their love for Matthew, but I still think he's all right, all right, all right. I mean, the guy plays bongos in the nude and doesn't own any shirts. And, according to this picture, he loves dogs. Oh, and he might actually be totally nuts. What's not to love?
9. Joe Manganiello - You probably know this guy from Spider-Man, as Mary Jane's ex-boyfriend and bully who used to pick on Peter Parker. He was also on ER recently, seemingly as a new love interest for Linda Cardellini's character, but they ended up just sticking her with that dork, John Stamos. No wonder I only half-watch ER. In doing more research on Joe, I found out that he's from Pittsburgh and only 3 years younger than me. What the hell?!? Why didn't I ever run into him?

10. Brad Pitt - Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm begrudgingly putting him on my list. Look, the guy is so good-looking that it's kind of unfair. But, I've soured on him ever since the whole Angelina thing, and even more since he started dressing like a 60-year-old cabbie. Okay, so he's here. I'm done talking about it.
11. Patrick Dempsey - Holy head of hair. Patrick has got the most amazing mane I've ever seen in my life. And he gets big props for leaving that dorky teenager behind and growing up so darn fine.
12. Chris Evans - I've never seen either movie that Chris is probably best known for - The Fantastic Four and that one where he was talking to Kim Basinger on the phone for two hours. I did, however, see Not Another Teen Movie, which I have to admit to loving. It's just so stupid, but I love a good spoof. Anyway, I try to keep my blog fairly clean, and it took me a while to find a picture of Chris that didn't look like a soft porn photo shoot. Like McConaughey, he doesn't seem to like shirts very much. I'm sorry to be denying you those photos, but you all know how to Google search. Hop to it!
13. Jesse Bradford - Another movie that I probably should be embarassed to love is Bring it On, but I don't feel guilty in the least. That was the first time I ever saw Jesse and thought he was just adorable. He's also got the mussed, dark hair that I love so much and the impish, crooked grin.

14. Russell Crowe - Russell goes in and out of hotness for me, but if I hear him speaking, he zooms right back into the hot zone. I'm sure if he wasn't an Aussie, he would just be a plain old American thug. I actually kind of like the whole bad boy persona, and when he sports the shaggy 'do, he looks a bit like Eddie Vedder. And there's nothing wrong with that.
15. The posthumous sexy-man award goes to Gene Kelly. Gene was another Pittsburgh man, and a triple threat like Johnny T, Ewan and Hugh. He had some serious guns on him, I tell ya. And, honestly, he never lost his looks as he got older. He was still a silver fox when he was kicking up his roller skates in Xanadu. I have to admit though, even though Gene was the hot one, I always had a crush on his pal, Donald O'Connor...the funny one. And, to tell you the truth, even though I lust after Paul Rudd, I actually have a more special place in my heart for Will Ferrell. What can I say, I love the clowns.
EDIT: Oh darn, I nearly forgot to tag people! How about: CDP, Moxie, Angie, Bluez and Sauntering Soul. Get to it, girls.

2. Jeremy Sisto - He's got one fabulous head of hair and a drop-dead sexy deep voice. He's also got a knack for playing characters who are a bit out of whack which, for some reason, is kind of hot. Is it any surprise that a man who grew up this fine started out looking like a mini-Travolta?

6. Bradley Cooper - One of the few blondes on my list, Bradley has the kind of good looks that one might find in a frat-boy jerkoff, but hey, I always went for those guys in my younger days. I thought he was really funny as the preppy villain in Wedding Crashers, but it was his role as the nature-loving best friend of Matthew McConaughey in Failure to Launch that won me over. Now I just wanna go camping with him, and I don't even really like camping.

8. Matthew McConaughey - It seems like a lot of gals are losing their love for Matthew, but I still think he's all right, all right, all right. I mean, the guy plays bongos in the nude and doesn't own any shirts. And, according to this picture, he loves dogs. Oh, and he might actually be totally nuts. What's not to love?

10. Brad Pitt - Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'm begrudgingly putting him on my list. Look, the guy is so good-looking that it's kind of unfair. But, I've soured on him ever since the whole Angelina thing, and even more since he started dressing like a 60-year-old cabbie. Okay, so he's here. I'm done talking about it.

14. Russell Crowe - Russell goes in and out of hotness for me, but if I hear him speaking, he zooms right back into the hot zone. I'm sure if he wasn't an Aussie, he would just be a plain old American thug. I actually kind of like the whole bad boy persona, and when he sports the shaggy 'do, he looks a bit like Eddie Vedder. And there's nothing wrong with that.
EDIT: Oh darn, I nearly forgot to tag people! How about: CDP, Moxie, Angie, Bluez and Sauntering Soul. Get to it, girls.
Well the Travolta at numberr one was pretty much The Ultimate "Duh" Moment of The Week. And even though he's all old and stuff, he was pretty hot in Grease, so.
I love the McGregor, but I'm a wee bit prejudiced because he was given the role in Moulin Rouge over Jake Gyllenhaal. And not even that ACCENT can redeem him.
Aaaah Hugh Jackman. Have you even watched The Prestige? There are like, DOZENS of him lying around! All dead, of course. But still!
I'm not too much of a Matthew McWhatever fan. First off, I don't find him the least bit hot. Secondly, he annoys me. Thirdly, he annoys me further because I can never spell his last name right. Traces of the Raimele Malubay effect, I suppose.
Don't bother.
Unless the sight of a sweaty Chris Evans running around in a hot pink (really small) t-shirt interests you =)
John Travolta looks like a monster,Patrich what a big nose.
I agree,John Stamos looks much,much better and much,much younger.
Has it been mentioned here that Idol Jason Castro sometimes has the look of a youngish Travolta?
Anybody seen Ewan in Young Adam? That's quite a package he has. Add that to his other delights and he's high up on my list too.
I swooned over Hugh Jackman in The Boy from Oz. Sigh.
I think they belong to the same country club or something.
I never gave Ewan McGregor a second thought until he did that motorcycling show The Long Way Round and I thought he was terrible sexy in that. Although I thought Charlie Boorman was sexier. Something in the way he talked about his wife and kids.
And "Bring it On" is one of my favourite movies. Pretty good subtle spoof and you can watch it 700 times. SPIRIT FINGERS!!!
Brad Pitt though is icky. I don't know. He's just....not interesting.
Will our mutual love for Pat Benetar keep us real?
Paul Rudd? Fell ass over teakettle for him in Clueless and I've been loving him ever since.
However, I would have lost Brad Pitt and instead inserted Jeremy Piven in there. Just check out PCU for his absolute YUMMINESS before Entourage and you'll see that he's been sexier than Brad all along.