This week's video is for a song that just popped into my head after the travesty of last night's AI results. I can't believe that it's been 16 years since this song came out, but I can't believe a lot of things these days. Have another taste of the grunge-lite stylings of Ugly Kid Joe with their summer of '92 hit, "Everything About You" from America's Least Wanted.
You may wonder who, exactly, is the target of my unadulterated hatred right now. Nigel Lythgoe? Ryan Seacrest? The tweentards of America? Nah. They're not worth my time. After unsuccessfully attempting to buy Pearl Jam tickets online today (oh, my browser just happened to lock up at the crucial moment) I've decided that there are more powerful forces working against me these days. Who do I blame?
Well, I've thought long and hard about this and I've decided that my God would not allow these awful recent events to transpire. So it must be someone else's God. Yeah, this all just screams Ra the Sun God. I've never trusted that guy. I don't like the looks of him. Those beady little bird eyes, that faux wrap skirt...he's a hot feathered tranny mess. Screw you, Ra. Go take a long walk like an Egyptian off a short pier.
And no, I'm not worried about pissing Ra off. I mean, what's he gonna do to make things worse? Make it rain every weekend? Oh wait, it does that already.
You may wonder who, exactly, is the target of my unadulterated hatred right now. Nigel Lythgoe? Ryan Seacrest? The tweentards of America? Nah. They're not worth my time. After unsuccessfully attempting to buy Pearl Jam tickets online today (oh, my browser just happened to lock up at the crucial moment) I've decided that there are more powerful forces working against me these days. Who do I blame?

And no, I'm not worried about pissing Ra off. I mean, what's he gonna do to make things worse? Make it rain every weekend? Oh wait, it does that already.
Nowadays, I worship Harry Potter. I don't entirely trust him, as he's going through puberty and could become volatile, but I think he's a safer alternative.
For some reason I was reminded of it when ya mentioned RA.
It's definitely worth a read.
American Idol may have let him down, but BeckIdol never will.
She hates Seattle Grunge hence the ticket hoodoo voodoo.
And thanks are in order to the biggest voice against that shady mess, Eliot Spitzer, for f*cking up and indirectly letting the issue die.
Personally however, I must agree with Historical Wit. It's gotta be Loki. He is one snivelling bastard, I tell you.
Better than an American Idol blog.
The sun will shine again - not in your world, because Ra will block it from you, but in the worlds of others. And we will tell you about it.