It's not the requisite bad acting or the dialogue that's even too grown-up for thirtysomethings.
It's not that these kids always have time for sex. And it's not that, against all odds, all of these 16 - 18 year-olds who probably think a "vulva" is just a car that they wouldn't be caught dead in are somehow having such mind-blowing, steamy, sensual sex at all times. It's not even that none of this sex can ever be had with someone outside of their small circle of friends.
It's not that no one ever wears the same outfit twice.
It's not that pretty much everyone is rich and even the kids from the wrong side of the tracks still drive to school (the bus is only for freshmen) and wear all the latest fashions.
No, what bugs me the most is how damn early these kids get up for school. I mean, seriously. They must all get up at 3 am! Did you ever notice that they all seem to have time to shower, do their hair, put on their fiercest ensemble, check their email, send several text messages, have breakfast, fight with their parents, uncover a family and/or friend's secret, mope around about it, call their BFF, pick said BFF up in their awesome convertible, stop by Starbucks for a latte, stand around and talk about the big secret, start a rumor, check email again, drop their party clothes off at the dry cleaner's, do some window shopping, and then get to school with enough time to finish that report, strut around the hall, spot an ex making out with the new girl/boy, make plans for later that night, and get to homeroom right before the bell rings?
I can suspend my disbelief for all the other stuff, but that whole extended morning ritual is just too unrealistic. No one gets up that early for school. Especially if they're getting laid three times a day, every day, and going out underage drinking every night.
You hit it right on the head.
I agree with you that a lot of the things we see on TV are so hyperbolic all the time that it all seems like really bad, unimaginative fantasy.
I'd have sex 20 times a day, but I'm all over the place. Never finish one completely and then I'm onto the next one, and so on.
My life coach tells me I need to finish one first then move on to the next one. It's kind of my lifelong personal goal to be able to do that.
My irritation with these programs is that the kids all seem to speak some strange language that doesn't make any sense, which reminds me that somewhere along the way I've become the old guy.
Marsha Brady
That also explains the horrible dialogue delivery.