Were Randy and Paula's cups switched around last night? Paula, while being annoyingly gushy and incapable of constructive criticism, was actually coherent, while Randy was making no kind of sense at all.
He was especially nonsensical during his "critique" of Michael Johns. First, The Dawg told Michael that "Dream On" was a pretty good song choice for him. But then he said he didn't buy his performance because he's not a Steven Tyler kind of "rocker." Then, he kind of berated Michael for picking "Dream On," out of all the songs out there. When Michael defended himself by explaining that he wanted to sing the song because his "dreams are coming true," Randy shot back, "But this show's about being the best singer. It's not about dreams."
What a lovely thing to say on "inspirational night," and on the eve of the big charity show. It's a wonder that Randy doesn't get booked for motivational speaking engagements. I think what he meant to say was, "Screw you and your dreams, buddy. We wanna sell records! Yo

Oh, and one more thing. Even though I hate the sudden display of neckerchiefery from Michael, I hope he wears those pants from last night again. Like, on every performance night. I mean, did you see that rear end? It looked like two perfect, hot biscuits just waiting to be buttered.
(Oh yes. You wanna enlarge this picture.)
People may not like Simon's abrasiveness but his comments have integrity and intelligence which is a helluva a lot more than the other two.
I hate the show, though. I mean, GET ON WITH IT!!!
I'm just making that up because I wanted to comment and didn't want to say anything about that dude's arse.
Oh holy shit, just go ahead and crush my childhood fantasy about the dark haired Wilson sister why don't you...
Put down the fork, back away from the buffet.
AND the pants, of course. I was watching his ass and wondering about how much Beckeye must have enjoyed this.
And yeah, I'm with you on MJ's hottie hotness.