Tonight, American Idol meets The Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame. Will these two entities go together like sugar and water or oil and water? Or will the evening be the musical equivalent of the Exxon Valdez disaster? Let's find out...
First Round

By the way, I should mention that I was confused by David's choice at first because, although it is a travesty, the double D are not in the R 'N R Hall...yet. But with a bit of Internet research, I discovered that the gang is picking songs from the Hall's "500 songs That Shaped Rock and Roll" exhibit.

Simon insists that "no one can do Bob Marley," ensuring that there will be a bob Marley theme night next season.

Second Round
David Cook's second song is The Who classic, "Baba O'Riley." This is definitely better than his first performance and his vocals are quite good, but I'm not wild about the slowed-down tempo. This is a bombastic rock tune, not some emo puddle of hoobastaind! Still, all of the judges love it. To them, if your name is David, you're golden.
Before the break, Ryan announces, "Coming up, Syesha and...(look of doom) Jason." Wow, this anti-Jason campaign is really in full swing. Would anyone like to critique his next song before he even sings it? Paula? Anyone?
As promised, Syesha is back and explaining the story behind Sam Cooke's "A Change is Gonna Come." During this speech, she basically equates the Civil Rights movement to her time on American Idol. Wow. Okay. The Tina Turner charade was strike one and this display of narcissism is strike two. Strike three comes in in the form of Syesha's painfully slow vocal ascent from Dullsville into Shriektown. Oddly enough, the only judge who doesn't enjoy this boring shout-fest is Randy, who usually loves it loud. Paula actually gives Syesha a standing ovation, hugs herself and blathers some motivational dreck that causes Syesha to cry unconvincingly. (Doesn't anyone remember that she's an actress?) She sobs and sobs, but when Ryan asks her to explain why she's so emotional, the tears dry up quicker than you can say "I have a dream...that I'm in the final three," and she cheerfully talks some more about the song's ties to the Civil Rights movement. (Ties that she admittedly didn't even know about until she did a quick Google search a few days before the show.) This is as shrewd as dedicating a song to a dead family member, proclaiming your patriotism or revealing the various afflictions that threatened to end your singing career forever.
Jason grabs his guitar to sing "Mr. Tambourine Man," and I'm all prepared to love it, but my pretty pretty stoner forgets an entire line. Not only does he forget the words, but he replaces them with some silly "uh uh uh uh uhs." Honestly, forgetting the lyrics is always a horrible mistake, but I still think Jason's voice sounds nice. And, really, who could ever understand what the hell Bob Dylan was saying? Besides, even the Little Lord flubbed his lyrics on the show before. Brooke was allowed to mess up two or three times before ever getting voted off. David Cook just effed up lyrics about 45 minutes ago! So, I don't think it should be that big of a deal. Jason didn't make us wait through an uncomfortable silence while he stopped and started over. And he barely blinked when he forgot the words! He got through it and got right back on track. That should count for something, right? Wrong. None of this matters. The judges hate him. Simon tells him to pack his suitcase.
Closing out the show tonight, and squinting like Mr. Magoo, is Little Lord Archuleroy. He is singing Elvis's "Love Me Tender." He should change the title to "Love Me Tweeners." Ugh. Everything this kid does is so formulaic. No wonder the judges love him. Randy is loving him a little too much. He tells David that he loves how he "was so tender and caressed every word." Eh? My roommate announces that Randy needs to "go stroke it off in the bathroom." I plan to kill him in his sleep for putting that visual in my head.
Overall, this evening was completely underwhelming. Kind of like actually spending a day at the Rock 'N Roll Hall of Fame.
I'm sure that the judges and producers feel confident this week that the furor over "Paulagate" has died down enough that they can finally boot Jason, so he probably will be packing his Boones-stained duffel bag. However, I will vainly hold out some hope that the public's votes actually matter and that it will be Syesha leaving us tomorrow night.
Jason basically told Entertainment Weekly that he was ready to go home, so I won't be too sad for him if he does go. But if he does, the last few shreds of fun left on this show will go with him.
This week we completely disagreed on just about everything. Which I kinda love. Excellent as always.
What does Jason have to do to get booted from this show? Take a shit onstage? We'll find out, since that's exactly what he did. I loved how he said he picked Bob Marley for "obvious reasons". He might as well have bummed a match from Ryan and lit up onstage.
I give up. I'm tired of the contestants being harangued for hewing too closely to the original arrangement of a song. Syesha was great, and I don't even like her. If there is any justice, she will join Cook in the final 2 and then lose.
I will miss Jason an his dreads very much too. He bacame my own personal hero the minute I saw him yawning his face off backstage during last week's results.
But at least she cares about what she's doing which is more than you can say for Jason who may as well shooting a third finger at the audience. He's a lucky quitter and those people are the most irritating of all.
I think people keep voting him in again cuz they want to see him yawn.
He show go tonight, off the toe of Simon's boot.
"be" shooting a third finger
"should" go tonight. off the toe of Simon's boot
Anyway - I'm now of the opinion that the best outcome for all involved would be for Jason to go home tonight, DC to follow next week, and let LLA and the SM-bot battle it out in a cage match for the chance to sing "Do I Make You Retch?
If I could though, I'd vote Dreads back on and get him to win though, I too love that he just doesn't care. BOB MARLEY!!
I want you on the panel Beckeye, right next to Simon (Cowell, not LeBon).
Dude. Stoners don't drink Boones! With my friends Mickey's big mouths were the swill of choice.
I missed the show last night but somehow I think your recap was better.
Sam Cooke is doing the counter clockwise horizontal sping as we speak.
It makes a dude like castro that more likeable. He isnt acting like the trap door to hell is gonna open up wide if he doesnt win frickin idol!
Phew...I feel better now.
I'm incredibly tired of Little David. And like all of y'all, I also don't understand why the judges fall all over themselves trying to heap that much praise on him. He has a 'nice' voice but I would stab myself in the eye with a pencil if I had to sit and listen to an entire CD of his at one time.
Honestly, I can't wait for this season to end and I've never felt that way about AI before.
I'm here saying "boo" to LLA. mcgaspy magoo needs to say bye-bye.
And was it just me, but was Little Lord's rendition of "Love Me Tender" weirdly churchy? The whole time, I was imagining him in some boys' choir, like, "Love me Jesus, love me loooooord..."
It's just that simple.
Once again proving that your boy MJ left far, far too early in this competition.
I still have no clue who the hell is voting for Syesha. Are people voting on race alone?
I'll miss Jason. He's always so cute and goofy! You gotta love the kid!
I still listen to MJ "It's All Wrong but It's Alright" all the time! I adore it!
I have to thank you for your "uh duh nah why uh zussuz like wine" line. Yesterday a friend of mine posted a comment to my MySpace blog about Jason needing to go because he messed up the lyrics to "Mr. Tambourine Man". I just had to call this self-professed Durani out, but I was at work, and I don't have sound on my PC at work, so I used your line to make my point. As soon as I got home I re-listened to David C.'s performance. You heard it right: "uh duh nah why uh zussuz like wine". Well, it was pretty close, anyway.