Now, all the Aerosmith guys famously sobered up some time in the '80s and supposedly have been clean ever since. Maybe Tyler only thought "sober" meant that he couldn't drink, but he could still snort and shoot? I don't know.
Anyway, the real issue here is that Aerosmith were awesome back in the '70s when they were dreamin' on, playing with their toys in the attic, and blasted out of their minds. After they embraced clean living, their music got progressively suckier. Around the time they were proclaiming that falling in love was hard on the knees, I was wishing that they would all start doing drugs again. Now it turns out they were - or at least Steven was - all along? I knew no sober person could've agreed to record "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing!"
But now I'm confused. What's changed? Are the drugs of today really that much different than the drugs of the '70s? How can one make you sing for the laughter and sing for the tears while the other makes you sing love songs to an asteroid??
Even though I was disappointed in all of this, I still rooted them on and there were flashes of the old band now and again, but the newer stuff sits in the CD rack untouched. They still put on a good show and will break out material from the first four, so if someone gives you tickets, go see'em.
Love to hear your list of favs. Here's mine:
'One Way Street' Debut Album
'Movin' Out' Debut Album
'Seasons of Wither' Get Your Wings
'Train Kept a Rollin' Get Your Wings
Rats in the Cellar' Rocks
'Nobody's Fault' Rocks
'Uncle Salty' Toys
'No More No More' Toys
I will wait and see. I hope he isnt addicted again. Being hooked in your 50's is a totally different thing from being in your 20's and a young rock star.
I am a huge Aerosmith fan, and would hate to see him go through this again. Crap music or not.
Bro TA missed Night in the Ruts which remains a favorite for me.
Those first 4 records were entirely dreckless perfection.
Areosmith controversy #1: Joe Perry did NOT play any of the lead guitar in their ripping version of 'Train Kept a Rollin'. The first parts were Steve Hunter and the second 'Live' part was Dick Wagner. Don't know if anybody gives a shit, but that bit of news left me speachless for months when I was finally shown the proof.
So is he still sleeping with Liv Tyler?
I was a lot angrier than I would have expected, to be honest.
I'm just glad they all got sober so we'd still have decades of Aerosmith. Hope it WAS a foot injury deal.