"Though scientists said it couldn't be done, Fergie manages to simultaneously shit out of two orifices."

I have to give a shout out to Doorknob Dan, who just kept on captioning and never quit. That's the mark of a true winner. But not on this blog.
This is the second month in a row that I needed help from the good ol' BFF to pick the contest winner, as it was a tight race between Pistols at Dawn and Splotchy. Pistols prevailed, making this the first time that Pistols has ever said the right thing to a woman (let alone two). Making it more exciting is the fact that he is the first person to ever win the Firecrotch award twice! If he goes for three, I'll have to give him some penicillin along with the badge.

Display this proudly, Pistols. Remember, I know you know how to post pictures now.
Funny stuff. maybe her "lumps" are poop??
Oh, what the hell, I'll try for a firecrotch anyways.
"I call this my classy squat."
yeah I know it is rude and crude...but so is this contest!
Did I just say that?
Beckeye, you're a bad influence.
"sex-crouch" for the day her ugliness ever goes away and she gets a man.
Oh wait, that's not a mask.
"Silently, the Californian jaguar creeps up on its unsuspecting prey, and waits patiently for it to fill its crack pipe before she strikes."
Dave knew it was going to be a long, sleepless night with the incessant screeching of the vampire Queen blaring over the sounds of women and children sobbing in the camp.
Hopefully by morning they would be able to come up with a way to track the vampires to their lair while they slept and at least stab that leader bitch through her shrivelled evil heart so she would shut the fuck up and they could get a decent nights sleep for once.
Filming began this week for the upcoming film Freaky Friday II in which Fergie's career makes a comback when she trades bodies with a chimpanzee.
Rats, if there were an HTML tag for a thought bubble this would be much funnier.
Makes me happy.
As a side note, my word verification is: qksbkeky
"Quick is Becky," however, 'Bkeky' sounds like a cross between Bukkake and Becky which when imagined as a combination, gives me immense gratification.
"Multi-award winning pundit" has such a good ring to it. So does "not gracious in victory."
(Or whatever people do to acknowledge their recent snub.)