This month's winning caption belongs to Deadspot! Congrats, dude. You benefit from Pistols' conspicuous absence in this month's contest.
Those of you who don't think this caption is funny...well, you can suck it. Obviously, most of you think that crudeness is the way to my heart but, while I enjoy a good tuna joke as much as anyone, I really am a sucker for ridunkulousness, general stupidity, and puns. And the image of any white, British chick using the term "mad sparkly" is just ridunkulous enough for me to laugh my little white, American arse off. So there you have it.
This month's runners up are:
Lindsay Lohan and friends at the red carpet premiere of "Herpes Rides Again." - Katrocket
Well girls, if we cut the carrot into quarters we have more than enough food for the weekend. - The mysterious "Matt W."
Samantha Ronson answers the question, "How many people knew you even existed before you started nailing Lindsay Lohan?" - Words, Words, Words (or Fran, Fran, Fran)
I also have to give props to Alice and Paticus, who were the only ones who ignored the shiny celebutards and zeroed in on the best part of the picture - random girl on the right's ridunkulous retro ensemble.
And Jef/Knot gets a shout-out from the BFF, who thought his bit about the rug munching relays was a hoot.
Well done, people who didn't win. You get nothing!!
Deadspot, however, gets the most coveted award in all of Blogdom...

Fo shizzle, doggie fizzle. You go wit' your mad captioning skillz!
OK, so that's a tad over the top, but it was the first thought I had...
Ah crap, Pistol's going win again.
4 NASA engineers out on the town on a Friday night...see how they roll.
I will study the photo some more. I want to up my honorable mention to a victory this time.
First attempt
"Yeah, and you ROCK that headband!"
Lindsay No-Man and the Crotchettes
[I'm sorry for the crudeness, but I couldn't stop myself.]
"How many butts are being grabbed as this photo was shot?"
"No matter how this goes down, KY Inc. is going to make ten dollars."
"We all did it in the limo..."
"The cocktails really helped me to relax and enjoy the whole experience. I would recommend it to friends."
"Are you my OBGYN?"
"Pay no attention. It always smells like that."
"Ohhhhh, you hands are cold!"
"Where did you learn Braille?"
"Okay, find the key to my house!"
"They are ALL glad to see me! I can tell!"
"This is so great, I peed a little!"
"Is that your mom? She's hot!"
"I hope you have cab fare..."
"Tastes like chicken."
"Does anyone have floss? I've got a hair stuck in my teeth."
I'm sorry. These are in VERY poor taste, but the only shot I have at this is to go too far. I have been trying to win this for months and I can't even muster an honorable mention.
The Bitchgurlz from east coast stare down their rivals before the rumble begins
Without blinking an eye the mysterious stranger bid on another washed up Hollywood has-been to add to his/her collection
to test new drug detection software.
2. Only after entering the brothel Stan realised he had a choice to make.
3. Well girls, if we cut the carrot into quarters we have more than enough food for the weekend.
ps - Thanks for the runners up nomination
Matt W
Congrats to Spot!