Something called the Arte y Pico award has been bestowed upon me by both Genn (ages ago) and Deadspot (days ago) which, while much appreciated, is of questionable origin and is one of those dealios that forces me to play favorites with my blogroll by passing it on to a select few. I considered "forgetting" to have my little awards ceremony but I didn't want anyone getting pissed off at me for not observing Interweb etiquette. But I don't want people to get pissed for not including them in my list, either. This is quite the dilemma. How will I get out of this unscathed?
According to the (mysterious) designer of this award, "This prize has arisen from the daily visits that I dedicate to many blogs which nourish me and enrich me with creativity. In them, I see dedication, creativity, care, comradeship, but mainly, ART, much art. I want to share this prize with all those bloggers that entertain me day to day and to share this prize with those who enrich me every day."
Well, Prizemaster X gets no awards for that riveting paragraph.

Wondering what Arte y Pico meant, I looked it up and found that, obviously, "arte" means "art." Okay. But, what about "pico?" According to Wikipedia, "pico" is derived from the verb "picar," which has two meanings: 1) to mince or chop, and 2) to bite or sting. This is where I get confused. Am I supposed to reward bloggers for biting commentary on their topic of choice? Should this award go to cooking blogs? I don't know.
I decided that I would just pretend that it was created by some basement-dwelling nerd named Artie Y. Pico until it dawned on me to do a Google search for the award. I found the website of origin, which explains that the phrase "will never find its counterpart in English, but if it HAD to, it would be something like, Wow. The Best Art. Over the top." Well, okay, that does sound like me. Hell, T.H.E.Y. don't call me the Van Gogh of blogging for nothin'.
There's a bunch of other stuff on the site but it's all in Spanish. And like Ron Burgundy, you know I don't speak Spanish. English, please!
Without much further ado, here are the rules (in English and edited for grammatical integrity):
1. Pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award based on creativity, design, interesting material, and its contribution to the blogging community, regardless of language.
2. Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their blog.
(Oh, too bad, you! You know who you are, guy with the blog about the thing.)
3. Award winners have to post the award along with the name of the person who gave it to them and a link back to their blog.
4. Please include a link to the “Arte Y Pico” blog so that everyone will know where the award came from.
(I did. Hopefully, that gets me off the hook for my sarcastic remarks about it.)
5. Show these rules.
(Okay. Considering this even needed to be a rule, shouldn't it have been #1? Now I'm half-tempted to just post the picture with a caption of "Rules are there ain't no rules. It's to the 2nd bridge and back and the one who makes it here first wins.)
Of course, there is no rule about what to do if you receive this award more than once. Do the duplicate awards cancel each other out and now I don't have to do this at all? Do I have to do double the work and bestow the award on 10 blogs instead of 5? Or is it like an award squared, and I actually have to give it out to 25 blogs? Help me, Artie Y. Pico! Show me the way!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I...well, I took the easiest route.
Since I know a lot of people on my blogroll have already received this award, and I don't want to think too hard tonight, I give this award to EVERYONE on my blogroll. Yes! It may be a cop-out, but it's an admirable cop-out. Right? If you're on my blogroll, that obviously means that I think you're creative and interesting and that, even if you're not setting the blogosphere on fire, you contribute something to my world at least. Pretend this award is a tiara and I'm Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls. Everyone gets a piece. (No, not of Lindsay, stupid. The tiara.)
If you decide to pass this on, feel free to use my new, improved version of the award.
And Artie, don't be mad at me for modifying your award. I'm just displaying the creativity that won me this thing in the first place.

*kiss kiss*
Love ya! Later, beeyotches!
According to the (mysterious) designer of this award, "This prize has arisen from the daily visits that I dedicate to many blogs which nourish me and enrich me with creativity. In them, I see dedication, creativity, care, comradeship, but mainly, ART, much art. I want to share this prize with all those bloggers that entertain me day to day and to share this prize with those who enrich me every day."
Well, Prizemaster X gets no awards for that riveting paragraph.

Wondering what Arte y Pico meant, I looked it up and found that, obviously, "arte" means "art." Okay. But, what about "pico?" According to Wikipedia, "pico" is derived from the verb "picar," which has two meanings: 1) to mince or chop, and 2) to bite or sting. This is where I get confused. Am I supposed to reward bloggers for biting commentary on their topic of choice? Should this award go to cooking blogs? I don't know.
I decided that I would just pretend that it was created by some basement-dwelling nerd named Artie Y. Pico until it dawned on me to do a Google search for the award. I found the website of origin, which explains that the phrase "will never find its counterpart in English, but if it HAD to, it would be something like, Wow. The Best Art. Over the top." Well, okay, that does sound like me. Hell, T.H.E.Y. don't call me the Van Gogh of blogging for nothin'.
There's a bunch of other stuff on the site but it's all in Spanish. And like Ron Burgundy, you know I don't speak Spanish. English, please!
Without much further ado, here are the rules (in English and edited for grammatical integrity):
1. Pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award based on creativity, design, interesting material, and its contribution to the blogging community, regardless of language.
2. Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their blog.
(Oh, too bad, you! You know who you are, guy with the blog about the thing.)
3. Award winners have to post the award along with the name of the person who gave it to them and a link back to their blog.
4. Please include a link to the “Arte Y Pico” blog so that everyone will know where the award came from.
(I did. Hopefully, that gets me off the hook for my sarcastic remarks about it.)
5. Show these rules.
(Okay. Considering this even needed to be a rule, shouldn't it have been #1? Now I'm half-tempted to just post the picture with a caption of "Rules are there ain't no rules. It's to the 2nd bridge and back and the one who makes it here first wins.)
Of course, there is no rule about what to do if you receive this award more than once. Do the duplicate awards cancel each other out and now I don't have to do this at all? Do I have to do double the work and bestow the award on 10 blogs instead of 5? Or is it like an award squared, and I actually have to give it out to 25 blogs? Help me, Artie Y. Pico! Show me the way!
Two roads diverged in a wood and I...well, I took the easiest route.
Since I know a lot of people on my blogroll have already received this award, and I don't want to think too hard tonight, I give this award to EVERYONE on my blogroll. Yes! It may be a cop-out, but it's an admirable cop-out. Right? If you're on my blogroll, that obviously means that I think you're creative and interesting and that, even if you're not setting the blogosphere on fire, you contribute something to my world at least. Pretend this award is a tiara and I'm Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls. Everyone gets a piece. (No, not of Lindsay, stupid. The tiara.)
If you decide to pass this on, feel free to use my new, improved version of the award.
And Artie, don't be mad at me for modifying your award. I'm just displaying the creativity that won me this thing in the first place.

*kiss kiss*
Love ya! Later, beeyotches!
I am honored, BeckEye. Honestly. Honored and humbled. Honored and humbled and a little bit sick to my stomach from the excitement butterflies.
Ugh. Scuse me for a minute.
So, to you Becks, I say, "Boo. You whore."
I would like to dedicate this award to.. CUE LOUD MUSIC.