You may have seen her too - this broad in the Secret Flawless deodorant commercial* who is walking down the street with her arms up in the air like she in da club, and generally being a menace to all passersby. She walks past some suit and commands him to give her a high five, then giggles and squeakily boasts, "I didn't even know that guy!" (I'll bet she's said that on a lot of hungover mornings.) Then, she hails a cab like a complete spaz and, after the guy stops, she's like, "No thanks, I'd rather walk." Yeah. Let's see her try that in New York for real. A cabbie wouldn't think twice about running her skinny little ass over.
I don't know why I hate this woman so much. She's either just that annoying, or I'm becoming a rage-a-holic. Whatever the case may be, I know this. If I ever see her on the street, I am going to rip her arms off. Then we'll see how damn good she smells.
*I was going to link the video for anyone who hadn't seen it yet, but I can't seem to find it. Apparently, everyone else hates it too, possibly even Procter & Gamble who haven't even bothered to slap the ad up on YouTube for some fast, free publicity.
The annoyance level of this ad is up there with Seasonique. Don't remember it? I wrote about it last fall, maybe you'll remember it from my description ...
I have seen this commercial and I agree, she is not good. She is most annoying. I hope her underarms break out in a burning uncomfortable rash.
And her idea of fashion is jeans and high heels. Mmm ... ya ... high class.
Also, I'm always amused by actors who probably spend their whole lives dreaming about being the next DeNiro or Streep and end up sniffing their pits in a commercial.
Good to know we are not alone!
I hope someone jams a stick of Secret up her left nostril.
Rage on Beckeye.
My wife turned to me and said, "Not a fan, huh?" Master of the understatement, that gal.