I'm sure most of you have heard all of the uproar over a picture of the Spanish Olympic basketball team, in which all the players are making "slant eye" gestures.
I agree that this photo is quite racist and stereotypical. But hey, what do you expect from a bunch of greasy guys all hopped up on sangria?
And anyway, why is it okay for the Chinese Olympians to make fun of themselves, but it's not okay when the Spaniards do it? Huh?? Tell me that! Oh, I feel so bad for you, China! You with your 5,000 gold medals, ancient laundry secrets, and never-ending supply of fortune cookies! Boo hoo! Cry me a yellow river!

I did not actually leave this comment..I am a replacement for the original, not so attractive commentor.
Oh my.
How I love you, dearest BeckEye, how I love you.
(No, seriously, though, how do I? You suck!)
(Or am I?)
(I think I've had way too little sleep. I am leaving weird comments all over the innertubes.)
Sorry, I'll stop ranting now.
This is the first chance I've had to see it. Hmmm What a bunch of pooheads
Funny post though :O)
Effing word verification HATES me today!!!!! Or I just need more coffee/new glasses
he doesn't seem to mind this, why the f**k does the world me wonders
And I borrowed your picture for my blog.
I'll send royalty payments later.