Singer Eric Carmen, best known for wonderfully schmaltzy tunes like "All By Myself" and "Hungry Eyes," got slapped with his second DUI on Tuesday. I guess the arresting officers took one look at him and he couldn't disguise his glassy eyes. (Hilarious mugshots here.)
Actually, the cops' first clue that Carmen was impaired came when he plowed into an innocent fire hydrant. Then, when the boys in blue asked for Carmen's ID, he handed them a credit card. When he couldn't mambo a straight line during the field sobriety test, police whipped out the breathalyzer and Carmen blew an impressive .23 - three times the legal limit.
Neither Carmen nor his passenger, a half-kicked bottle of Grey Goose, were hurt in the wreck.

Actually, the cops' first clue that Carmen was impaired came when he plowed into an innocent fire hydrant. Then, when the boys in blue asked for Carmen's ID, he handed them a credit card. When he couldn't mambo a straight line during the field sobriety test, police whipped out the breathalyzer and Carmen blew an impressive .23 - three times the legal limit.
Neither Carmen nor his passenger, a half-kicked bottle of Grey Goose, were hurt in the wreck.

He was busted in an area I go through about 4 times a week heading to Renee's place. Orange Village is no place to mess around...bored small burb cops love busting drunks.
That website in the link looks strangely familiar.
Every time I hear or see a reference to "All By Myself" I cannot help but think about somebody slitting their wrists in a bathtub.....
Excellent mugshots!
Eric Howard Carmen (born August 11, 1949, in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.) is an alcoholic singer, songwriter, guitarist and keyboardist.
All By Myself is a direct rip-off of Sergei Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.2
Who is Eric Carmen? It is an American thing?
How come Cartman never sings them on the show, though?
I think he has the same plastic surgeon as Mickey Rourke...
At least Grey Goose isn't a backseat driver...