First, I have to say that I knew she was going to get at least one award. Leading up to the show, all I kept hearing about was how Britney was the "Susan Lucci of the VMAs," comparing the many VMA nominations that she'd received without a win to Lucci's losing streak at the Emmys. At first, I thought it was a ridiculous comparison, but then I remembered the one time I watched a bit of All My Children and realized that Lucci was just a really bad actress who probably didn't deserve to win an award. Of course, she eventually got one, evidently just for being a dinosaur and because American audiences love their happy Lifetime-movie endings. So, I knew that the same was about to happen for Britney (MTV's dinosaur at the ripe old age of 26) when her VMA "comeback" was relentlessly promoted for weeks before the show.
Now, even though I knew her appearance was going to be a big deal, I was still floored by the way she was practically canonized for walking out on stage and rushing through four lines. Before she even opened her mouth, she was given a standing ovation just for being there. I can think of a few awards ceremony moments when a standing O was justified. A post-stroke Kirk Douglas accepting his lifetime achievement award at the 1996 Oscars. A paralyzed Christopher Reeve's appearance at that same ceremony. Michael J. Fox's win at the 2000 Emmys after leaving Spin City due to Parkinson's disease. I don't know, call me crazy, but I really don't think that the return of a talentless media whore to the same awards show on which she dropped a big turd the year before qualifies for the same kind of emotional oupouring, just because she managed to dress herself, stand up straight, and remain coherent. (I will absolutely concede that she did look really good. But that in itself is not really worth standing up for either.)
And did everyone forget the completely unfunny skit she did with Jonah "almost as overexposed as Britney" Hill before her appearance onstage? I can't imagine that made anyone want to stand up and cheer.
But anyway, getting back to her actual appearance, I am amazed by the low standards that the public has for judging its icons. Britney's "peformance" on last year's VMAs was such a huge, embarassing belly-flop of a failure, that one might imagine it would take something pretty spectacular to erase that memory. But no. All it took were a few scripted lines and a sparkly dress. All of a sudden, idiots are calling hers the "biggest comeback EVER." Yeah, you know, this was so much more moving than when Gloria Estefan returned to the stage after nearly having her spine cracked in half.
As for Brit's award wins that night, I have no doubt that it was MTV's master plan all along to give her the moon men, essentially designing this great "comeback." Look at the songs/videos that were up for the Best Female Video:
- "Touch My Body," Mariah Carey - As much as I dislike Carey and this song, I've at least heard it and seen the video.
- "I Kissed a Girl," Katy Perry - Very pretty girl, very cute video, and probably THE song of the summer.
- "Take A Bow," Rihanna - The new "it girl" with the best break-up song of the year.
- "No Air," Jordin Sparks (with Chris Brown) - This song practically replaced the air that we breathe this year. It was everywhere.
- "Piece of Me," Britney Spears - Um, a lot of people saw the clip on YouTube, but other than the die-hard Britneytards, does anyone remember ever hearing the song or seeing the video?? Britney has never been known for her vocal prowess, but this song is worse than most. She sounds like a rusty old robot trying out the few mad rhymes learned during her marriage to rapper extraordinaire, K-Fed. And the video? It's only slightly more energetic than her 2007 VMA performance.

"Piece of Me" also won Best Pop Video over clips by Danity Kane and Panic at the Disco, among others, and Video of the Year, inexplicably beating out the uber-popular Jonas Brothers, and Chris Brown's fantastic bubblegum dance hit, "Forever."
I had never seen the video when I heard about the wins so, soon after the VMAs, I checked it out on YouTube. I left a couple of comments there which weren't even mean, but the grammatically-challenged fans still had to give me the "thumbs down" for daring to say anything other than Britney's ass is made of gold, and she shits diamonds and pisses rainbows.
I actually spent a lot of time reading many of the comments there, and I just have to share some of them here. They're really too funny-sad to ignore.
Brandonxx: I don't know why us Britney fans wasting our time on haters.
Only UGLY CHICKS hate on Britney, Britney was always above them, and any flaw that she has they try and take that into advantage to make themselves feel better.
Bitches always forget Britney set the standard for most females today. Especially those blondes, Britney made that entire "hot blonde girl" trend what is now. Before Britney's reign back than, blondes weren't shit.
These chicks just dont see, Britney did it before you.

nde411: britney spears is working o her new album with Danja,sean gurret,blooshy and avant.she is also working with akon,lady gaga,farrel,chris brown and kanye west.who are writing some songs for britney so i think britney spears new album is going to be great.she is writing songs everyday with her piano so i can't wait.
I don't know any of those people you just mentioned or understand half of what you said, but holy shit, her piano is alive?? Awesome!
shatterskull666: I am so not the Britney fan, but Iam starting 2 become 1. Iam a recovering drug addict and by her showing the world that she is gunna put out a catchy album, win awards, win more time with her kiddies and trying 2 be good the whole time. BRAVO Brtna. U are an inspiration 2 all that are suffering. And in this song she is basically talking shit on herself and having it make sense. Lovely.
I don't know what's funnier - that comment or the screenname.
SupaBabe001: (in response to someone who suggested another commenter use proper grammar) I agree.. And winterredhead, who cares about grammer? Honestly, unless is l337 5p34k or spam or really stupid spelling then its annoying.
Well, isn't that special? Who cares about grammar, indeed! Britney don't know no grammer and look how famous she be!
ejgirl456: i love her she has presseure beyond pressure and yall need to be possitieve i mean if u knew her whick u DONT u wouldd b supportive not mean and u know it!!!!!!!!!
I tell you what I do know - none of those words are English.
aesopsdaughter: Very Nice calling everyone on their bullshit Everybody wanted to f**k Britney and got just a little too excited about the difficulties she was having. I for one am sick of the assholes who celebrate the sexy bitch pushed down on her face and I so f**kin happy to see her stand up and "say are you kiddin me?" The lesson - always be nice to sexy women.
You see, people? There IS a lesson in all of this. Always be nice to sexy women. The unsexy ones, of course, you can throw in a ditch somewhere.
NikAir21: The definition of Rock & Roll today...she´s not the "new" Madonna...she´s better!
So...much...wrong....with this...comment. Must...resist...passing....out.
Okay, I can't continue on with this, as one of my brain cells just stomped out through my ear, walked across my face, stood on my nose and bitch-slapped me.
But what was my original reason for posting? Oh yeah, Britney totally didn't deserve those awards. Point made in just a shade under 1500 words!
First of all, while I have committed myself to no more political blogging between now and 11/4, I must say that it is tempting to link to your post.
There is a direct link to this outstanding post and contemporary Palin-mania.
Most of your post actually did make me feel a sadness about where we are at as a culture and as a country.
Then I got to those You Tube comments and I had no choice but to throw my despair into Park and laugh my ass off.
Which, given the state of my posterior, is no small accomplishments.
No seriously. Seriously!
Oh you made me cry, you made me laugh, you made me cry.
I have no choice but to give you a standing ovation, which looks pretty silly - me being in my kitchen, all alone, hair kind of sticking up post sleep and just drinking my coffee.
Uh-oh... must run. You see my piano is alive too you know and it is calling me. I guess Britney and her piano are coming over this morning for a little song-writing fest.
Beckeye - you are amazing. Thank you. What a great first blog post to read on a Monday morning.
And BTW, I used to be able to see Brooklyn from my office. Does that mean I know you?
It's nice that Brittney has such a nice support network at MTV. It's like having a Verizon Network's worth of yes-men in your back pocket.
Incredible how far the youth of today has fallen...
Well, thank you for making me laugh along with weeping for the future. And, "back then" when Britney was making the blond girl thing hot? She was, what, 15? Yeeesh...
But if a recovering drug addict finds hope in the story of Ms. Spears, then he's got bigger problems than meth. (I'm assuming. No self-respecting smack addict would fall for this crap.) I didn't believe that these people existed, and if I'm going to retain any sliver of hope for this world, I'm going to have to pretend they don't.
Its all about Britney, thats how its always been, thats the way she wants it.
People should leave Britney alone, litterally, then maybe she'd go away.
just remember, the same tards who feel this is a great comeback are the same tards that are going to vote in a little over a month and a half....America meet Tidy Bowl Man, Tidy Bowl Man meet America!!
Robert Rouse,
President and Founder of Drive With Your Baby N Your Lap
Paid member in good standing of Don't Cover Your Bush With Panties.
To begin with the song was written by Christian Karlsson, Pontus Winnberg, and Klas Ã…hlund all weird sounding people,none of them Britney Spears.
As for the video clip, unless Spears directed the clip, produced the clip, designed all the costumes and backdrops for the clip, and also filmed the clip simultaneously while starring in it, then maybe a few other people deserved the award over her.
Ok thats my bitch for the day.
P.S. Glad to see Mathdude got to you regarding word ver. He will, however, never get me to change my avatar.
I want to be the worlds next Federline and impregnate that Hill-billy before she blows the last million.
And you know you be secretly lovin britney. You know like in yo head. When no one's around. Like in secret and stuff!!!!!! You jus no it!!!!!
What retards. Is that not PC? Oh, I don't care.