I've often thought about starting up a Tiger Beat-type mag as a print alternative to my blog. I figured it would help those of you who don't want to lug your computer into the bathroom every time you want to spend an hour catching up on all the hot celeb scoop. Well, I only needed to open up my fave program, Photoshop, to turn my dreams (and yours) into a reality!

If anyone needs me today, I'll be at Kinko's.

If anyone needs me today, I'll be at Kinko's.
so WHAT is in zac's closet? or are you gonna make me trek down to the store and find out
(something tells me it has to do with Levi Johnson)
I think Zac is in Zac's closet.
Good work on the cover! I don't know if this helps because I don't make magazines, but there is a site I love that helps you create magazine covers, movie posters and other such fun stuff.