The Big Wicked Online Pageant

This is my entry in The Big Wicked Online Pageant - an online Halloween event hosted by Beth, Dale and Bubs. It's like a costume contest for our ghosts of Halloween past.

Proving that I was always a slave to pop culture, here I am in 1984 decked out as Cyndi Lauper, getting ready to go trick-or-treating and she-bopping all over the neighborhood. Okay, so at the time I didn't know what "she-bop" really meant. The revelation that it was more fun than trick-or-treating came a bit later. Nyuk nyuk.


Fancy Schmancy said…
Omg, you are adorable!
Cup said…
Huh. I dressed like that to go out Saturday night. Didn't realize I was costuming.

You are too damn cool, BeckEye.
Joe said…
Brilliant! I recognized you instantly as Cyndi Lauper--you gripped the dress and bent the leg perfectly.
Red said…
Yes. Your pose totally makes the whole thing.
I'm sure your neighbours were grateful that you didn't actually she-bop in their yards. You sure are a fashionista though!
Dr Zibbs said…
You've got the pose down.
That shows way more dedication than any costume I ever had. Mine were like, half-ripped sweatshirts with ketchup stains already on them that could sorta look like blood if you never looked directly at them.

Game, set, match - you.
Some Guy said…
Well done! You look like you just wanna have fun (somebody had to say it).
katrocket said…
I LOVED Cyndi - you did her proud! Did you shave the checkerboard pattern into your head for the occasion?

I did. Except that it wasn't even Hallowe'en when that happened.
Claire said…
I would have guessed Cyndi even without the text; the dress, hair, and pose were perfect.
Allison said…
To echo everyone else, you really do have that post down to perfection. Also love the anklelet touch. Well done!
SkylersDad said…
Perfect! Way to go!!!
Dale said…
Loverly. Could we have updated photos of you, ahem, she-bopping? Just asking for the greater good.
Pepe Le Pew said…
I was 2 years old in 1984!

Just a baby skunk...

Ah memories!

Now 26 i can safely say ive never worn a white dress, maybe blue but id have to get back to you on the colour after finding the photo's if not already burnt to remove all evidence.
Fabulous! You showed you're true colors!
MJenks said…
I just wanted to thank you for putting She Bop into my head for the day. Try as I might, this particular earworm isn't going away, and it's all thanks to you.

I applaud your ability to bend my subconscious to your will.
Fran said…
I love all my bloggy good friends who are in this pageant, but hands down you win IMO!
Sean Wraight said…
Geez Shebop-a-Beckeye where were you when I needed you. My Captain Lou Albano costume would have made us the perfect couple!

Fantastic picture. You managed to get the Lauper 'pose' most perfect!

Well done!
Chancelucky said…
I thought these photos were supposed to be embarrassing. This one doesn't necessarily qualify. You look like you could have been ready for a night out with John Travolta or something well at least in 1984.
Unknown said…
Excellent Cyndi!!! The pose rocks!
Gifted Typist said…
sweet, no really, sweet
Anonymous said…
work it girl!
Moderator said…
Be still my beating heart...
Cormac Brown said…
That's a dead-on costume.
That is awesome. I agree with everyone else...I knew who you were right away. I think in 1984 I was a nun. I used my aunt's real nun clothes and looked bitchin.
Anonymous said…
All hail de pop of de Eyez

you are my hero
mellowlee said…
Aw, perfect Cyndi costume and pose! I saw her this summer. Love her :O) This is my favorite so far
lulu said…

I too used to dress like that, but not for Halloween.
Alice said…
omfg. that picture... there are no words. i love it so much.
LoraLoo said…
OMG I love this picture! You had the look down pat.
cube said…
You WERE Cyndi! I wouldn't have given you the cheapy candy... that costme was worth the larger chocolate bars.
And this was back when Madonna & Cyndi were still head to head. Those were the days!
J. Hi said…
Great costume! I was always in the Cyndi camp, not the Madonna camp.
GETkristiLOVE said…
Whoa, she bop, he bop, a we bop!
Anonymous said…
Girls just wanna have regrets.
dguzman said…
Beckeye, you're smokin' hawt!
Tootsie said…
Is this one of the latest fashions from J.C. Penny?
That is fantastic - right down to your pose! You win.
Red said…
You look awesome.
McGone said…
Like others have said, you've got the pose down perfect which proves that back when MTV still showed Music Videos, you were watching. A lot.

And this gives me an idea for next year. With some facial hair and a few rubber bands, I can be Captain Lou Albano!
Leonesse said…
Sweet outfit. Seriously sweet.