It's that wonderful season when the leaves change color...and so do my eyes. It happens every year. Nothing to be alarmed about. Something to do with some tattered old piece of paper that I signed in blood, yadda yadda. It's too long of a story to go into here.
Anyyyyway, I'd like to celebrate my metamorphosis with "Devil Woman," a wicked good song by my dark lord and master, Cliff Richard.
I wouldn't advise leaving smart-assy comments about Sir Cliff. I have one hell of a temper.
Your eyes change COLOUR? OMG that actually happens in autumn?? Don't mess with me now- seriously. You know full well that I am unfamiliar with the eye-colour-changing-habits of you Westerners.
I think it's funny that any of you boys would be excited over that picture. Now I find movies like "Species" more plausible, because I think most men must really dig women who are not quite human.
And Poo, I have that song permanently on my iPod. I wish they made an iPipe, so I COULD smoke it. Whoa. That's a brilliant idea, me! (Note to self: Call Apple.)
You my dear just made the cut for my new calendar. See my blog for details.
Anonymous said…
Cliff is up there with Freddy Kruger. He's an evil man hiding behind a gleaming white smile and poncy voice. He preys on housewives and people who're short on mental marbles. And he will suck out your soul. Honestly. I grew up in the UK. I know.
Anonymous said…
Love Cliff, remember that song, but not the video...looks kinda like the pants he has on are a pair of long underwear pants, fashion in the 70's!
By the way, when does Idol start?
Hey, was that a velour shirt he was wearing?
And Poo, I have that song permanently on my iPod. I wish they made an iPipe, so I COULD smoke it. Whoa. That's a brilliant idea, me! (Note to self: Call Apple.)
Now the eyes? A little scary. But in a good way.
BRB - going to check in a mirror to see if they have turned red.
Rich from Snitch called, he wants his shirt back. He's steppin' out tonight.