Spencer: "Where's Heidi? She's living on a farm, where she can chase squirrels and play outside all day. She's much happier now. Honest."

As promised, not only does Deadspot get the coveted Firecrotch badge this month, but he's also been appointed president of my fan club! Of course, if he fails to live up to the expectations of the position, it will be up for grabs.
Now, let's get to this month's runners up...
"Sssssshhhhhhh! Be very, very quiet, I'm hunting democrats." - John Donald Carlucci
This might have won, as I'm a huge Looney Tunes fan, but I was disappointed that JDC didn't fully commit. It should have been "Be vewwy vewwy quiet, I'm hunting Democwats." Plus, like most serial killers, he has three names, so even though he seems like a nice guy, I'm not sure I can trust him yet. Ted Bundy was a nice guy. Although, he only had two names. Okay, I really don't know what my point is. Look, JDC, you just didn't win this time around. Sowwy.
"Little Jimmy Johnson's letter to the Make-a-Wish foundation was granted, despite that fact that he doesn't have a terminal illness. 'We were willing to bend the rules this once,' said a spokesman, 'given that so many people want to see Spencer and Heidi in a murder/suicide pact.' – Imaginary Reviewer
Oh, come on. Be realistic. Like the Make-a-Wish foundation could ever convince someone to enter into a murder/suicide pact. Hmm...I suppose if they promised to televise it, these two would jump at the opportunity. I guess this makes sense after all! Oh well, sorry. I already named the winner.
"Natural selection, poor judgment, 6 beer, and a box full of shotgun shells has a way of taking care of society's genetic malfunctions." – Poobomber
After entering his usual 5,341 times, I had to throw Poo a bone. He could have won, but all of those things he mentioned have a way of taking care of society's genetic malfunctions. And 6 of those things are beers. In bottle form, the beer becomes separate entities. Sorry to be a grammar Nazi.
"Minutes after hearing the results of the Presidential election, Heidi and Spencer packed their most treasured belongings and left the country." – Cindie U
I don't usually have a fourth runner-up, but I thought I'd mention this one. It's simple and to-the-point, which I like. Not all jokes have to be complicated. However, Cindie made one giant mistake. She forgot that Heidi is holding a book. To even suggest that Heidi has ever read a book, let alone considered one a "treasured belonging" is sheer madness.
Sorry, everyone who didn't win. Maybe if you're really nice to Deadspot, he'll let you warm your hands near his firecrotch.

"I'm the DOA," Heidi pondered, "whatever THAT means."
After a day of deer hunting Spencer returned home alone, staggering from beer and the weight of an eight-point buck. When asked about Heidi, he said "she had a nasty fall and broke both of her legs, she's a couple of miles back up the trail. It was a tough call, he said, but I figured no one is going to steal Heidi!""
2. ... and here we see a hollywood couple hunting for African orphans to adopt, a common passtime for celebrities wanting to kill time before nightclubs open.
"Where's Heidi? She's living on a farm, where she can chase squirrels and play outside all day. She's much happier now. Honest."
Oh, snap!
Douchey brought along his rifle for the "Shoot Like Dick Cheney" contest, while Ms. Thang brought along her copy of Sarah Palin's "My Life As A Candidate" instruction manual and coloring book.
I've been ... snapped?
Spencer: "Dude, I totally told you, my dad says Bud Light is the perfect bait for jackalopes. Bullets don't affect them so that's why I brought the pellet gun. Jeez, chicks don't know nuthin about hunting."
I'm laughing my ass off at the Poobomber "entering his usual 5,341 times.."