Yes, I voted for Obama and I'm glad he's our new prez, but I still don't like cluttering up my fluffball of a blog with serious political matters. Still, I feel the eyes of the blogosphere on me, ready to judge if I don't acknowledge this election in some way. So here goes.
Question of the Day
What will happen first: Obama's inauguration or one of these inbred dingleberries trying to take a shot at him?

This recent plot doesn't really count because, well, those dudes were morons. I mean, seriously, their plan was to "drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama, shooting at him from the windows." Yeah, that would work. I'm sure they could've found Obama just leisurely strolling through the parking lot at Piggly Wiggly some Sunday afternoon.
Question of the Day
What will happen first: Obama's inauguration or one of these inbred dingleberries trying to take a shot at him?

This recent plot doesn't really count because, well, those dudes were morons. I mean, seriously, their plan was to "drive their vehicle as fast as they could toward Obama, shooting at him from the windows." Yeah, that would work. I'm sure they could've found Obama just leisurely strolling through the parking lot at Piggly Wiggly some Sunday afternoon.
@ Dr: not all people in hillbilly areas of this great land are racists. I may say things in jest, but it's just for a laugh. I got all kinds of races running (haha) in my veins. :)
And you all know they'll try again. So, all we can do is pray, and I'm not even joking.