Another Reason to Celebrate

Today is a very special day, and one that sometimes gets overlooked because of its close proximity Christmas. I know that this time of year is for Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ (even though he was really born in the summer), but let's not forget another important man—Eddie Vedder—who turns 44 on this day.

At the risk of having a bunch of zealots try to burn down my blog, I would like to point out that there are many similarities between Jesus and Eddie. Observe...

- They both have gorgeous, naturally wavy hair.
- They both look good with a beard.
- They both were raised by men who weren't really their fathers.
- They're both wine drinkers.
- They're both big fans of that whole "peace on Earth" deal.
- They both have legions of "disciples" who will follow them around the country, or at least go see them every time they're in town.
- Their words are often misinterpreted.
- They're often misunderstood by the press.

I guess that's about it, but that's quite a lot! I guess when it comes down to it, Jesus is probably the "better man" because he died for our sins. But I'd still like to commit a few sins with Eddie before I die.


Dr Zibbs said…
They're also both great tap dancers. Wait. Dies Eddie V tap dance..Nevermind.
SkylersDad said…
I heard that the wind makes a whistling sound when it goes over Eddies nail holes.


Wow, lightning in winter, and it just missed my house!
McGone said…
Jesus also recorded a live album with Neil Young, I believe.
I also used to think both were mildly interesting for a really brief time, then forgot all about them until I met girls who were really into one or the other.
Red said…
I hate word ver. I totally already commented on this post, but it's not here for some reason.

Just imagine I said something totally hilarious and brilliant.
Scott said…
Hmmm... have you ever seen them together at the same time?
SouthernBelle said…
But does every boy buy a Jesus t-shirt in 10th grade?
More than the great post, I loved the "Jesus had a sense of humor and loves to rock" tag.
Mike said…
totally wrong on many levels. I must go to confession to cleanse myself of this.
Anonymous said…
You're a writing poet. I mean I laughed, I cried, I prayed, I grounded myself for stray lightening bolts.

Merry Christmas Beckeye!
hahahaaha!! That was sooo funny Becks!! You are good.
Merry Christmas to you.

ps please don't hurt my tommy. he promises to be a very good boy...
gennifer6 said…
I didn't know Eddie was a wine drinker and I can't imagine Jesus getting drunk off the stuff, but thank you for that info.
That settles it! Next year I'm getting me an Eddiemas tree.
Dale said…
May Eddie hear your prayers and 'sing' you silly soon. Merry Veddermas!
cube said…
Hate to sound sacriligious, especially in the vecinity of the V One's birthday, but I have always thought he sang like a person straining to evacuate a tardy stool from his lower intestine.

Too much "Ahhhhhghghhhghh" in his voice for me.

In case I don't hear from you again, given my offense, I want to take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas.
Leonesse said…
Those lips look divine.
There's one difference between these guys. Jesus didn't peak early and slowly decline, he got better and went out on top.

Yeah, I said it! :)
Cormac Brown said…
You forgot that Eddie can touch virtually any plant and it turn it into Aunt Pearl's jam.
Les Becker said…
Yeah, I'll worship Eddie over Jesus, too... he's closer to my age.
Mel O said…
Brilliant, my dear!! Simply brilliant!