If you are one of the few people on the planet who doesn't know who she is, check out her performance of "I Dreamed a Dream." I can't post it here, as embedding has been disabled on every video clip I've tried. (I blame Piers Morgan for that. Just because he's a dick.)
So, I will go on record, even though it may destroy my reputation as a hard-ass, and say that this brought a tear to my eye the first time I heard it. Not really because I was so happy to see this lady floor everyone (although that was surely part of it), but mainly because I can't hear a song from Les Misérables without getting all weepy. And this one happens to be one of the more depressing (and beautiful) ones.
Now, millions of posts have been made about Susan, so I'm not going to pile on further and repeat what everyone else has said. Instead, I'd like to rebuild my reputation as a hard-ass by focusing on some other people.
- To the eye-rolling emo brat at :46 - You look like a whore with all that paint on your face. What are you, 13? Please go soak in a tub of cold cream for an hour. Oh, and do something about that horrible helmet hair.
- To the girl making a stinkface at :56 - You're like a cross between Gerard Depardieu and a character from Wallace and Gromit. Are those your teeth, or did you just empty a whole box of Chiclets into your mouth?
Also, to the audience: I'm sure you think you're being nice when you're constantly applauding while someone is singing, but you're wrong. It's actually pretty rude and annoying, because no one can actually hear the person sing. I realize that, to encourage your enthusiasm, the producers of BGT probably give you all Leona Lewis CDs and those disgusting creme eggs that the Brits like so much. But that doesn't mean that you should never stop screaming.
Finally, to the two goofball hosts: When you're not "hosting," zip it. For all of Ryan Seacrest's faults, he at least knows how to shut up when people are performing.
I guess I should end on a slightly less grumpy note here, eh? Okay.

P.S. Why does Simon never look at me like that??
It is so easy to be eternally cynical these days. We need more truly talented, truly worthy people like Susan Boyle.
Keep your Jonas boys, your Britneys, your Hiltons and Lohans. I'll take Ms. Boyle any day.
Stupid Piers.
*shakes head sadly* It's like I don't even know you any more. Those things are pure manna from heaven.
First of all, your comments at my blog made me cry. And you are my only link to the world of reality television... You are my trusted source to something I otherwise have no interest in. You make it interesting to me.
You were not a bully or mean either, you were right on sarcastic target and there is a big difference. In fact I started to laugh when I read that part.
To me the biggest thing about this woman is not just her voice - which is lovely, or her appearance - which is a big commentary on the collective judgment of the world, but rather her tremendous dignity, which was very moving to me.
(my word is aunle. is that some transgendered brother/sister of one's parents?)
In case you're interested, one of my readers sent me a link to a song Susan sang for a charity event in 1999.
Cry Me A River What a rich, soulful voice she has and notice that she doesn't oversing like most singers nowadays.
If she were pretty, nobody would think her singing was something extraordinary. So I think it's actually patronizing to find it extraordinary.
Also, the two asshats in the wings need to die in a fire.
Those creme eggs are a bit gross but if you put them in front of me, I'll eat them.
I hope he wins Flavor Flav's love or whatever it is these shows are about.
the perfect cinderella story
she was just wonderful (and i hate that play) - and amazing. and she proves that you can really be the show stopper and not have to look like Beyonce Knowles
you go susan! you rock
Gawd, people are sure obsessed with beauty aren't they? ijiots!
That said, I am loving the new layout, that is a thing of beauty worth noting.
I'd heard rumblings around the 'nets about this gal but didn't put much stock into the recommendations until you said to check it out. She's delightful - I got a wee bit weepy.
Did you hear that when Boyle was on Oprah (or some other talk show) that Patty Lupone called in and congratulated her? How awesome is that!?
What do you say?
That look on Simon's face when he's smiling with his face in his hands just SLAYS me. Who knew he had the ability to look so uber cheesy?! I LOVE IT!!