Caption Crotch-test Contest #22

Tara Reid loses a staring contest to a six-week-old cocker spaniel, making the puppy the victor of their chess/beach volleyball/staring contest triathlon.

There is your winning caption, this month provided by Words Words Words, who is now the undisputed King King King of the caption contests. (Pistols at Dawn? Who's that?) Are you people gonna stand for this kind of tyranny? Or are you gonna bring it next time and knock him off of his throne?

Until then, WWW, here is another award for your Wall O' Achievements.

I guess Tara Reid's disgusting, leathery midsection doesn't inspire the funny in many of you, as there were a lot less entries this month than usual. But here are the runners up...

The good:
"Tell me, Yoda. *IS* Darth Vader my father?" - Splotchy

The bad-taste:
"Aw honey, I've had bigger things than you up there!" - The Vegetable Assassin

The Tara-Reid-is-ugly:
"It seems like we are both aging in dog years, but at least you're still cute." - Mike


mike said…
"It seems like we are both aging in dog years, but at least you're still cute."
SkylersDad said…
Inspired by the work her vet did on the dog after it's pups, Tara decides to have 6 teats surgically implanted in order to have more paparazzi "nip slip" opportunities.
Here, Tara Reid attempts to snort fallen cocaine off of her dog, a trick she learned from Gary Busey.
Tara Reid loses a staring contest to a six-week-old cocker spaniel, making the puppy the victor of their chess/beach volleyball/staring contest triathlon.
Dale said…
You remember me right? I used to almost be someone!
Cormac Brown said…
"Er, I knew which end was "up" on you, two rehabs ago."
"This hot dog sure looks tasty!"
Splotchy said…
Tell me, Yoda. *IS* Darth Vader my father?
rachaelgking said…
Ohhh, love the new digs! Also, you suck huge elephant balls for not coming out. :-(

J/k, j/k, I still luffs you. Next time!
It's MY turn to serve! Isn't it, cute little furry volleyball? Isn't it?
"I bet I can get in Paris' panties if I give you to her as a gift"
Anonymous said…
Tara's saying, "Aw honey, I've had bigger things than you up there!"
Bar L. said…
You have the wittiest commenter. I have not caption to add but this reminds me of why I DO NOT sit in the sun.
Tara goes in for the infamous triple F :Fat-Free-Fur

Then she "fanted" (my word veri)
Pffttt, do you really expect me to compete against these far superior commenters? You're deloooshinal!
Ian said…
"I'd rather go flabby than wear fur!"
Thinking in Paso Robles said…
Hold on Toto we're going for a ride! Oz here we come!!!!
Anonymous said…
Love what you've done to the place Beckeye~
Happy Villain said…
Lady, if you were looking for an accessory to cover up your scars, you should have ordered a great dane.
reb wins said…
This little puppy is the latest to fall out of favor on Fox's midseason hit spinoff, "America Drops Things Onto Tiresome Celebrities Who Resemble Drunken Alligators."
Tootsie said…
He said I had a nice pussy....can't he see your a dog?
Falwless said…
I regret the day I ever told WWW about Blogger.
That's okay Fal, everyone else rejoices!

I really didn't think I had a chance in hell, I thought Mike's was the best. Thank you!

Do you have a Four Timers Club like Saturday Night Live?
Damned clever caption thinker-uppers!
rachaelgking said…
Oooo, I dunno... I think Veg's is the best.
Feisty Democrat said…
Tara: Mmmm, sea salt.

Dog: Dude, you're freaking me out!