I heard that PJ debuted "Got Some," a new song from their upcoming (BUT NOT SOON ENOUGH) album, so I hurried on over to YouTube to check it out. If you didn't see it, or just want to check it out again, here you go.
Okay, so it wasn't really their best song ever, but I think there were a lot of sound issues during the performance. The guitar was up too loud, the vocals were buried, and everything sounded a bit muffled overall. I've seen Pearl Jam enough times to know that they are AMAZING live. The only time I was ever even close to being disappointed was the time I saw them in Philly, where they tried their best to overcome the Wachovia Center's horrible sound system. (Actually, that whole experience was harrowing, but that wasn't PJ's fault.)
Anyway, I think the song has the potential to be pretty good on record...or in a venue with better acoustics. I'm optimistic because, out of all the Pearl Jam songs out there, I only dislike a small handful. Probably less than ten (no pun intended). They rarely disappoint me.
And, really, when Eddie Vedder is before me growling, "Got some if you want it," the chances of me having anything negative to say are pretty slim. Even if it is a stupid question. I mean, seriously. Stop asking, Eddie. Just give it already.
By the way, I better not hear anyone calling PJ "sell-outs" because of their deal with Target. Leaving a giant record label like Sony and relying on the kindness of sponsors is in no way a sell-out move. And not many artists in recent history have been as concerned with the "little guy" as Pearl Jam have, so I have faith that this is all going to work out well for the fans.
I love Conan on TTS!!!
I was stunned to realize that I haven't seen Pearl Jam live in 17 years. Not since the second Lollapalooza back in '92 in support of the TEN album. And they were playing on an impressive lineup that included my beloved Soundgarden. Truly those were the salad days of my Seattle-centric musical love affair.
I love the way Conan is doing the Tonight Show. I think he was a little nervous Monday, but he looked like himself last night. And his bits are killing.
It's like there's a law.
Love me anyway?
I'm still on the fence.
Anyway, Pearl Jam isn't a sell-out for their Target deal. Prince did it also. And we all know Prince isn't a sell-out. He's too into his music to care about money.
In short, Pearl Jam rocks.