Hello, freaks and geeks! Looking for me? Well, I'm over at Starpulse today with a brief retrospective of Judd Apatow's career. Go, read, worship, comment.
The piece was written as a tie-in with Judd's new movie, Funny People, which hits theaters tomorrow. Anyone excited to see it, or do you think it looks like too much of a downer? Most of the reviews I've read so far have been of the "it's funny but it's about 30 minutes too long" variety. (That's how I felt about Knocked Up, too. He definitely should've cut out more of Katherine Heigl's shrill bitching.) I guess the biggest news about the movie is that it features the new and improved Seth Rogen SlimLine model. But is it really an improvement? I don't know...he just looks weird to me. Nerdier and a little sickly. But whatever. I just hope Jason Segel doesn't jump on the weight loss bandwagon. I dig him with some jiggle.

It's like you're in my head. I was JUST saying last night I was going to write a post about him. I don't know about anyone else but Apatow's stuff's wearing a little thin on me now. "The 40-year old Virgin" was hilarious. I loved "Knocked Up" and "Superbad" was ok, but it's starting to get old. He's almost parodying himself now with the oh-so-clever pop culture references. It's gotten cliched. The trailer out now has that line about the "Diehard" accent - it doesn't seem clever anymore it seems annoying.
I like Seth Rogen though. He's a good natural actor. I have no desire to see the movie though
This cannot be good for business.
I prefer guys with a little pudge myself, but whatever. I like Seth Rogen. For once I'd like to see one of his characters date within his own league, so to speak, but it isn't his fault that Hollywood gives no love to imperfect women while embracing the likes of him. He'll gain that weight back. They always do.
Beckeye, I have an episode of Inside the Actors Studio with Judd Apatow recorded on my DVR. Have you seen it?