I really don't want to do a gigantic spiel on this until there is some confirmation one way or the other on John's relationship with Scientology. Partly because the above linked article is from the UK's Daily Mail, which I hear is only slightly more reliable than our Enquirer, but mainly because I adore the guy and feel horribly about the grief and pain he is feeling over Jett's death. There are a lot of nasty people out there who are so out to get Scientology that they forget that this a man who is dealing with a tragic loss, making accusations, cracking heartless, vile jokes, and forming crazy theories, all while assuming that they know better what went on in the Travolta household than the Travoltas do.
I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to letting people believe what they want to believe, but Scientology is whack. I'm not saying that Jett died because of Scientology, because I don't know and neither do any of you. But I hope that John is taking the blinders off of his faith and looking at it with fresh eyes. I know it helped him at a time when he really needed it (after the death of his first love, Diana Hyland), but I hope he realizes that it may have hurt him when he needed it most. Some of L. Ron's most basic ideas kind of make sense but...well, even Paula Abdul can string a few coherent sentences together every now and then. That doesn't mean we should let her run our lives.
As far as the gay rumors go, I don't really believe that John is gay. Just because he's a handsome guy who can dance doesn't automatically make him gay. But more importantly, if he is gay, I REALLY DON'T CARE. Neither do most of his fans. If he's gay or bi or just a straight dude who likes to wrestle with cute boys every now and then, he should just come out with it. He needs to read Glambert's Rolling Stone article, tell the "church" to eff off, and come out. Those of us who love him will still love him. And those of us* who have a thing for gay dudes might end up loving him more (if that were even possible).
*Me. Duh.
Now the other part... JT? Gay? Um, no. But I do have a secret theory about super-rich Hollywood types. But that's prolly for another time.
And, not that it really matters, but I have info from a pretty good source that John is definitely at least bi.
AS for relgions, all are BS but Scientology is super BS.
I agree too that if he is or isn't gay is his own business and frankly I wouldn't give a toss either way.
WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP. Like it really matters if John is gay or not...and I can only hope he gets out of that cult and finds the road to sanity after the loss of his son.
I don't care what Travolta's orientation is or what aliens he chooses to worship, but I do feel for him as a parent who has lost a child.
He should be left alone to pick up the pieces of his life as he so chooses.
I had a b/f who I might have married if he hadn't been a Jehovah Witness. They f*cked with his head so much that he didn't know what he wanted.
I can't even imagine the pain of what he's going through.
You are right, who really cares what he choses to believe in and whom he does what with?
I'm with Fancy. She is supremely wise.
For quite awhile I've felt that Scientology is highly suspect. If it's true that the Scientologists are threatening to reveal that John is gay if he leaves the sect, that makes them even lower and more disgusting than I suspected.
Scientology is a fucking cult.