I swear, I might as well just make a sticky celebrity death template and fill in the blanks every day. This is getting ridiculous.
Oscar-winner Karl Malden is the latest to leave us. I loved him in A Streetcar Named Desire, and he seemed like an all-around cool guy. But we can't be too sad. Dying peacefully at 97 is about the closest you can get to winning this game we call Life.
And I wasn't sad...until I saw this recent picture (on the left). Doesn't Karl with a K look just like Carl with a C from Up? If I think about that movie for more than 2 minutes, tears just automatically start streaming down my face.

I think Karl is like everyone's kindly old granddad only richer. I like him! Even if I didn't know he was in "On the Waterfront".
PS Screw you hippy.
They DO look alike!
In semi-poor taste, do you wonder if St. Peter did ask him if he left home without it?
I don't mean it. I'm just saying it to make you do another bong hit ;-)
My kid will never forgive me for that.