In honor of the man's work, here are my Top 10 John Hughes Films:
(All films listed were written by Hughes; the ones he also directed are marked with an asterisk.)
10.Home Alone - I like to pretend that Macauley Culkin never grew up, and that he's still that little lost boy who learned about aftershave the hard way.

8. Pretty in Pink - This is one of those movies that I always try to like more, but can never do it. I want to like it. It's got a great soundtrack. James Spader is a wonderful bastard, as always. And, hey, the Dice Man makes an appearance! There are a lot of good pieces here, but they just don't all fit together the way they should. The main problem is that I can NEVER buy the Andie/Blaine pairing. He's such a little wussy boy. But that doesn't mean that I think Andie should pick Duckie, either. She wouldn't want to jeopardize that friendship. Besides, he's kind of a spaz. No, Andie totally should've given up on high school boys and hooked up with an indie rock dude.
7. National Lampoon's Vacation - Someone recently told me that they didn't think this movie was funny. I can't remember who that was. I probably cut him or her out of my life after that because, let's face it, he or she was probably a communist. I mean, seriously. Who doesn't think this is funny?
6. Some Kind of Wonderful - Even though this is kind of a rip-off of Pretty in Pink (with a more satisfying ending), it ranks higher on my list for many reasons - most of which are unknown to me. But the ones I do know are:
- Eric Stoltz is adorable
- Craig Sheffer is almost as good at being a dick as James Spader...or even ZABKA (hallowed be thy name)
- Elias Koteas basically plays a teenage Travis Bickle
- My favorite '80s song, "Beat's So Lonely" (the instrumental part, anyway) can be heard at the snob party; Flesh For Lulu's "I Go Crazy" is prominently featured

3. The Breakfast Club* - Back in the day, I probably would have put TBC as my favorite Hughes film, but the older I get, the more I cringe at certain parts. (While I did recently name this the #1 High School Movie in a Starpulse piece, that list was less personal than this one.) It still may be the model against which all other teen movies are measured, but it really could have been improved by cutting back the angst just a tad. Because really, I can't help but laugh every time Ally Sheedy earnestly proclaims that, "When you grow up, your heart DIES." Come on. I didn't even believe that when I was a teenager.
One of my very early posts here on The Pop Eye was about the The Breakfast Club's influence on generations of high schoolers and the strange, sad irony that no one ever got the message. Like parts of this movie, I often look back at old posts and cringe, but I'm still pretty proud of this one. (Even if I did use a similar, lame Simple Minds pun as the title.)
2. Sixteen Candles* - Yes, everything about this movie is hilarious: from the simple but brilliant premise to Grandpa Howard asking the Donger, "Where is my automobile?" But when thinking about John Hughes's impact in the film industry and in the lives of teenagers, it's really quite special to watch this movie now and realize that a good part of why these characters seem so real is because their portrayers look real. Anthony Michael Hall looked like a real geek. They didn't just grab some guy who looked like Brad Pitt and slap glasses on him. And Molly Ringwald became a star because girls everywhere could relate to her. She was normal. She could have been any girl in any one of our high schools. How many of us can say our classrooms were filled with people who looked like Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens? Not many, I'm sure. So, why do the teen stars of today have to be so perfect? There's a sad realization here: if Molly Ringwald were just starting out now, she could never be a star. There's a good chance she wouldn't even get an audition.
1. Ferris Bueller's Day Off* - Ferris Bueller is my hero. Plain and simple.
Here's an old trailer with a peek at some obviously cut scenes.
Where do I start?
I have seen every movie on your list multiple times, and will tell you that my children are at the ages that they now will appreciate John Hughes genius. The time has come for me to share the greatness with them.
Christmas vacation? Family tradition-every Thanksgiving night, we kick the holiday season off with Clark and the family. Pretty in Pink, Some kind of Wonderful, Sixteen Candles, these movies all got me through my teen years and some rough times.
Nice work Becks.
Such sad news.... Mr. Hughes brought tremendous joy and comfort to my adolescence. Absolute genius.
And, because they seem to go together, I loved the Great Outdoors, mostly because it reminded me of my family's vacation home at the lake. Except this one had a bald bear in it.
We watched Weird Science over and over--love it. Breakfast Club was my fav back then but when I saw it as an adult I just thought 'those whiny little brats.' Ha!
I, too, love "Christmas Vacation" more than the original, and that is saying a lot, cause the original is so awesome itself!
Such a resume. He was great!
"Ferris Bueller, you're my heeero"
"No snot-noosed punk is going to leave my cheese out in the wind"
"I could be the walrus.... but I'd still have to bum rides off of people"
"Do you know ANYTHING?"
"When Cameron was in Egyptland, let my Cameron go"
"The question isn't what are we going to do. The question is what aren't we going to do"
And a milion more I just don't have time to list. I use them all the time. Hell, I used the cheese in the wind one at work yesterday (I'm a nanny - heh heh heh) before I'd even heard the sad news.
Michael Keaton playing poker with the moms using coupons.
And when asked if he was going to put in 220 in his garage, he responded 220, 221, whatever it takes!
Sad, sad summer.
I liked "The Breakfast Club" though back in the day. I'm not a big fan of '80s teen movies but that and "War Games" are about the only movies from that genre I can handle.
Although honestly, I can't see Ally Sheedy's emo pouty princess in TBC without wanting to kick her ass. She's so annoying. To think all it took was a mini makeover to make her "normal". If only life was as simple in reality.
I was sad to hear Mr. Hughes died though!
Still, I gotta say two things: (1) I'm definitely one who thinks The Breakfast Club deserves the top spot; and (2) if you haven't seen She's Having a Baby, you'd best go get it right now, and if you HAVE seen it and intentionally left it off your list, I'm not sure I can like you much anymore, especially after that whole CRYSTAL HEARTS thing...
I also like Christmas Vacation better than all the other Vacation movies. But I may not be a reliable source, since I think even Vegas Vacation had its moments.
And since Mr. Hughes passed only yesterday, it would be in poor taste to share my thoughts on The Breakfast Club.
I didn't know much about Hughes, but I knew many of his movies.
I remember when I was in college, my parents calling me, still laughing, asking if I'd seen "Vacation." They were laughing because of the part where Clark Griswold melted down when he discovered that Walley World was closed. That was my father during family vacations, except that it wasn't just a moment or two-- he was that way on the whole vacation. I guess being stuck in a station wagon with three little boys who fought constantly was not his idea of relaxation.