On her special day, let's forget about the hot mess that Tawny turned into and take a moment to reflect on the just plain hot mama that she used to be. Long before CZJ came along, she may have been the first woman I considered having a late night feather pillow fight with, if you catch my drift. And if you were a frequent viewer of USA Up All Night, I think you do.
Still, even if Tawny was hot, her career was not. The only good things she ever did were those Whitesnake videos and Bachelor Party. (And in my baseball loving days, I gave her major points for scoring Chuck Finley. But then she had to go and beat him with her shoe.)
I really tried to think of something else that I could give her props for: Witchboard? Hell nah. Her guest spot on Seinfeld? Not memorable enough. All looked lost until I remembered IT. The

Basically, some hack screenwriter thought it would be awesome to make a rock 'n' roll (and I use that term very loosely) version of Boy in the Plastic Bubble, replacing all the interesting parts with musical montages and replacing gorgeous and charming John Travolta with the dweeby white-man-fro'd pianist from Fame, Lee Curreri. And then he thought it would be even more awesome to have Tawny Kitaen play an '80s pop star cliché (lip synching, of course), who eventually shows her boobs when she and bubble boy have sex - er, that is, when they DRY HUMP EACH OTHER THROUGH THE "CRYSTAL" WALL in a clumsy, foggy attempt to be erotic.
And you know what? That hack screenwriter was on to something. Because it is awesome! This movie will teach you what life and love are all about! I believe in Crystal Heart 'cause I believe in me!
If you can't wait to get this movie in your hot little hands, here is something to tide you over: Tawny as Alley Daniels in the cheesetastic video for "Don't Touch the Heart."
Cheek implants=hotmess
I suddenly became a lot less enraptured.
Crystal Heart... wow. I'll see your crappy movie and raise you: Check out one called "Deathstalker 2: Duel of the Titans" and be sure to drink and have some company. You'll either love me or hate me forever.
Still, a scene of "plate glass humping" is pretty tough to beat...
Even though the sitcom itself wasn't that hot, her character on the "New WKRP" had one of the all-time great names... Mona Loveland!