This is what Bob Saget has led us to. Observe, the newest YouTube sensation, the "I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up Puppy." At least I think that's what "フレンチブルドッグ「チャイ」起き上がれない" translates to.
Hey, video guy! I know you're Japanese and all, but would it really kill you to put a camera down once in a while? THAT PUPPY NEEDS YOUR HELP!! I suppose we can thank our lucky stars that this wasn't filmed in Korea.
Found on Best Week Ever.
Hey, video guy! I know you're Japanese and all, but would it really kill you to put a camera down once in a while? THAT PUPPY NEEDS YOUR HELP!! I suppose we can thank our lucky stars that this wasn't filmed in Korea.
Found on Best Week Ever.
BTW, that doesn't work.
Also, I wish they'd let this video run until the dog stood up. It actually affected me. I must be on my period.