Now, I didn't watch the VMAs because I'm neither under 25 nor am I a masochist. However, I did get to read all about the Kanye/Taylor Swift/Beyoncé hoopla and see the videos (which seem to have disappeared from YouTube) after the show ended.
I'm sure everyone knows what happened, but just in case, here's the PS version. Taylor Swift won the Best Female Video, Kanye interrupted her acceptance speech and yelled into the microphone that Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all-time. People booed. Swift just stood there. Later, Beyoncé won Best Video of the Year and invited Swift back up onstage to "have her moment." Kanye half-assedly apologized on his MUTHA-EFFIN GENIUS BLOG, took the apology down, and then put another one up.
Now, it's not hard to believe that a d-bag like Kanye West would pull such a d-bag move, but I can't help but feel that at least part of this incident was staged to generate buzz. Perhaps I'm so jaded at this point that I assume everything that happens on MTV is 90% scripted, like The Real World or The Hills. It's become like a game to try to hunt for the specks of truth in the giant pile of bullshit.

- Kanye is an asshole
- Kanye likes to make a spectacle of himself
- Kanye was drunk
- Taylor Swift had no idea what was happening
As far as Beyoncé's save, I'm sure that she's a nice person, but I wonder if it was really her idea to bring Swift back out. (It's just like at the Oscars a couple of years ago, when everyone applauded Jon Stewart as the nice guy for letting Marketa Irglova come back onstage to finish her speech after she'd been cut off, but it turned out that it was actually the director's call.) I just find it all too convenient...Swift had just finished performing and was already backstage when the

Well, whatever the case may be - real outburst or scripted controversy generator - Lady Gaga must be pissed. She was sure that her performance would be the most talked-about event at the VMAs and stupid Kanye went and ruined it all. What does she have to do next time, cut off a limb?
You're right, BeckEye, why didn't they kill the mic and where was security?!?! Good call. Staged!!
I don't think it was staged, mostly because he has done this many times before, including at the European VMA's I think it's just his way.
Lady Gaga is plain and simple CRAZY.
Kayne is such an ass...dude, shut the F up. You got something to say?? That's what your blog and Twitter are for.
That was a creep-tastic performance.
I think Kanye is a total douche. And I also smell publicity stunt. I definitely believe it was a producer rather than Beyonce that decided to get Taylor Whatshername out again.
As for Lady Gaga - that was the most absurd performance. And the outfits she were wearing made me laugh like hell. What a poser.